Dreamy Flight

For: hot air contest
No external resources or references used. Completely done just using shapes I created using pen tool. Do take a look in high resolution and let me know. Thanks :)
For: pxl on tour contest
I have the first alternate design on my SBS. Please feel free to check on it & leave some feedback if you'd like. This was a quick concept I made during my free time. Just want to participate anyway. Btw, I hope this is quite a "Less is More" Shirt-Design. --- Thanks in adv...
For: pxl on tour contest
I had been wanting to participate in this contest but have not had time. I looked last night and saw that it ended today. So I just started painting to see how far I would get and wound up staying up way to late, I just couldn't stop! :)
For: air balloons contest
- Against the forces of nature to preserve the surprise for his sweetheart - Tutorial for tree,tnx Hayato : http://www.pxleyes.com/tutorial/photoshop/2531/Create-Beautiful-Custom-Brushes-for-Painting-Trees.html similar was done for the grass
For: air balloons contest
Use one of the PxlEyes sources and Photoshop. Thank you, Snappler for the awesome wooden texture: http://www.pxleyes.com/picture/10646/4aecc032e5d4d.html
For: wooden world contest
Credits to ImaginaryRosse Chonastock
For: yellow leaf contest
old drawing of a peacock
For: to sketch contest
Thanks to fakethislife for the cliffs.
For: weave contest
source image used in: snake and moon see SBS for detail
For: weave contest
thanks to mjranum-stock.deviantart thanks to hatestock
For: weave contest
Update to Katanaz stock - Can now be used outside of DA without permission.
I made this entry for a contest on deviantart, and i decided to submit it here too.
For: swiss border contest