Leave Me ALONE!

A spoonbill trying to get some sleep.
For: close crop 2 contest
A spoonbill trying to get some sleep.
For: close crop 2 contest
Dude with a hat, $20 bill, and a woman from the Renaissance fair.
The world as we know it has ended. Disease has killed all but a select few. Now, the ultimate battle between good and evil begins... it is the battle for your immortal soul. (The sand is for the desert, which is where the final battle takes place. The crows' feather and skull represent the 'Walkin...
5 images
For: vertical panorama contest
Thanks to poetrosekranse and JP Davidson for the pics used in the making of this entry, both are artists from flickr.
The living room photo is my own.
For: my extraordinary pet contest
Used the image of the San Francisco bridge, house and palm tree as my background, thanks to Davis Paul Ohmer on Flickr. Brought into photo shop and used the filter Gallery/cutout Used all the other stock images to make up the elements of my poster using the Filter Gallery/dry brush apart for the ca...
For: antique ad posters contest
Cute little thing, but next to impossible to keep dusted! Uses a standard nightlight bulb.
For: lighting fixtures contest
For: macro bugs 4 contest
The symbology of the lion is common to Strength, and aptly so. The lion is the "beast within", the raging inner desire inside every one of us that must be controlled or it will be set free to manifest in the world. The image of the woman opening the mouth of the lion shows both courage and...
For: in the cards contest
For: day to night contest
For: bw flowers contest
Even if they did eat meat, you can out run 'em easily. I wouldn't advise picking them up though... just in case.
For: cute zombie animals contest
Honey! We have created a new species.
For: giants contest
My daughter, drawn from a photo in the snow last winter.
For: portrait contest
For: libations contest