Dragon in the myst

For: dragons contest
For: dragons contest
I saw the image and had to do it, I loved this ad when I was a kid. This image is based on a Maxell ad called blown away I just used it for reference. I used a free set of brushes/textures http://www.highresolutiontextures.com/free-wood-fence-3d-textures-pack-with-transparent-backgrounds
For: bud contest
Quentin Tarantino's sequel to the Kill Bill movies. (All in fun, of course).
For: bud contest
Created in 3d max 2012 and rendered with mental ray. Composed in photoshop. 1 map used for environment which comes with the program.
For: ice cube contest
For: cut out silhouettes contest
Had this in mind for all the tragedy at the end of the year.
What a face and not even to the terrible two's yet!!!
For: natural light objects contest
My niece in Trafalgar square.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclops A cyclops (pron.: /ˈsaɪklÉ’ps/; Greek: ΚÏκλωψ, KuklÅps; plural cyclopes /saɪˈkloÊŠpiËz/; Greek: ΚÏκλωπες, KuklÅpes), in Greek mythology and later Roman mythology, was a member of a primordia...
For: mythical creatures contest
Thanks to The Ridg, Game Texture Images and lakesly from flickr for the sources provided for this entry. The hand was a source provided by pxleyes for a contest. http://www.pxleyes.com/photoshop-contest/20552/sign-it.html
Cloud brush is my resource. I'll post a SBS later.
Ever wondered how lizards are made? This may be the proof you were looking for. Source links and high res provided
For: calm contest
thanks to eirian-stock source 11: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:FullMoon2010.jpg
For: funny towers contest