
For: flower girl contest
24 photos Nikon D5000 + 50 mm inverted + extensions.
For: focus stacking macro contest
Miracles ocurre every day. One of them is when a butterfly is born. Have you thought of the process that it takes for a butterfly's transformation, from a single, humble, little caterpillar, into a beautiful, colorful, butterfly. In this entry, I show you the final stage of cocooning a caterpillar ...
For: dandelion contest
It is time for me to share my little secret... When i shoot i am under "drugs"...!!! :) Please make sure to read the label on the "drug"
For: red and blue contest
actually taken in field, using a black poster board as a back-drop
Photo taken at a flower shop and slightly edited using Lightroom 3.0
Used some simple white brush, masked.. and Flaming Pear / Flood plugin.
Thanks to: Softz Shudder-Stock Synthetic-Pain-Stock Jagged-Eye (stock rules: http://jagged-eye.deviantart.com/journal/Using-my-Stock-Rules-229040195) All stocks owners will be notified via NOTE.
tools and beer are my own photos, shown in SBS
For: hand swap contest