robo guy is back

3 cars used... please look at the sbs...
For: transformers contest
3 cars used... please look at the sbs...
For: transformers contest
For: delicious deserts contest
For: tea time 2 contest
Girl running image changed to multiply @ 84% opacity
The images are blended using Overlay Blending Mode
Opacity set to "Multiply" on face image and foggy trees.
Used the face closeup as a layer, changed the mode to darken, took down the opacity just a bit. Both are my photos.
Clean Teeth Healthy Teeth
For: toothbrush contest
A wedding of my friend was celebrated in this nice and elegant restaurant
For: framing contest
Thanks a lot for your comments. I chose to follow Vibeke's opinion so there is negative space on the right side of the frame so even there is nothing there is technically more correct (the eye of the viewer begins from the treasure chest & ends on the negative space & not the other way arou...
For: light below contest
Images used; Bush, struik, Background, Background, Lantern,
please view in high res before voting,,,for some reason the reds always seem to blur in low res