Put to good use

For: rope contest
My Uncle gave this rope to me on my first trip out west, he showed me how to use it and just like riding a bike I've never forgotten how. That was nearly 20 years ago, it's fun dragging out old memories.
For: rope contest
For: looking back contest
Carolina anole
For: looking back contest
For: wrinkles contest
Used provided pxleyes stock one of my own images and eyelash brushes by Redhead Stock from DA
For: dream clock contest
For: church door contest
Thanks to Augapfel at flickr.com for the throne image. Statue and lamps are from my own source taken at the Creation Museum. Walls, carpets are from source of doors.
For: church door contest
Thanks to Zmbyoo7 for the pic of the Mongri Castle and to annieopal for the pic of the dog, both from pxleyes.
Used stock provided by Brujo from DA and original source.
Masking, color matching and shadow making.
relight and burn and dodge sepia filter overlay antique used magazine adjustments
Thanks to Night Fate:http://night-fate-stock.deviantart.com/
For: to burn contest
No aditional sources used.
For: to burn contest