Danger in the dusk
A slow floater is electrocuted by a deadly gas bag. It will soon be enfolded in its digestive tentacles.
For: on jupiter contest
A slow floater is electrocuted by a deadly gas bag. It will soon be enfolded in its digestive tentacles.
For: on jupiter contest
For: flying over the sea contest
Only source used in the making of this entry.
For: kobelco contest
...(after I've taken your photo, that is...), we had a weekend away and this cheeky Egret kept standing on the railings of the balconies.
Bird eating fruit place at a resort for it.
Yes, there is life on Saturn's largest moon.
For: woodlouse contest
close up of these things
For: texture contest
Thanks to Paul Albertella from flickr, for the pic of the lemur. Thanks to Eric Fleming, from flickr, for the pic of the baby.
Where we live, autumn announces its presence loud and clear!
For: esence of seasons contest
For: esence of seasons contest
A member of an exploratory team surveying a city ravaged by radiation pauses to remove his helmet and wipe away a tear.
For: anti-gravity suit contest