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The delicious Pistachio!
For: oh nuts contest
No Fishing! Sorry voters, I had to redo part of my entry because one of my sources was an illustration, altho created to be used as source its not alowed to use on pxl eyes. So I recreated the scene using no outside sources at all except the fishes that where created from the given source image.
For: totems contest
Used only Dyson Photo (no other images) Please see SBS and Hi Res
My take on the old science fiction pulp magazines from a bygone era. This cover would fit into the late 1940s-early 1950s. Some of the greatest SF stories of all time were written then. I wish I still had my old copies! The anthology of the best of the best from this era is ADVENTURES IN TIME & ...
I didn't have much time for this, so my sbs isn't that great.. Hope you like :)
This is some sort of dinosaur shark...thing...I hope you like it! Its late so I'm just going to upload my step by step without explanation for now. Hopefully I'll have time later in the week to describe the steps.
all materials are from Maxwell Studio. Render took more than 11 hours
For: tub fun contest
I was going to name this work as (Before the Battle) because my first inspiration made me draw the face stressed out, but i wanted to use the source image in more than just texturing, so i decided to make that evil character which imposed upon me changing the name, there were few options those relat...
Thanks to emik at pxleyes.com for the texture photo used in background. Weather vane is my own photo, and the rest of image is created from source photo.
For: duck house contest
thanks to : http://eyefeather-stock.deviantart.com/ http://chloe-stock.deviantart.com/ http://sunset-stock.deviantart.com/ http://www.sxc.hu/profile/lonniehb (Lonnie Bradley) http://www.sxc.hu/profile/ralev_com (margarit ralev) http://missynthetic-stock.deviantart.com/ http://gothicjadestock....
For: gone bad contest
Good thing it's not a torrential rain, or watch out! Additional links: Car 9 by Nathalie P http://www.photoxpress.com/stock-photos/pollution/sport/exhaust/524278 Car10 by Mladenov http://www.photoxpress.com/stock-photos/blue/travel/sport/3299631
For: strange rain contest
thanks to > Soki-Angel for the stock http://soki-angel.deviantart.com/
For: joecacia contest