Ready for my Closeup
For: dragonflies contest
For: dragonflies contest
For: out of dark contest
Used only the PxlEyes source and photoshop
Arrogantus Pretentious, or the more common name, the Snark, is a parasitical animal that attaches itself to people at birth. Using their sharp, little claws to hook into its host, its growth is dependant on cruel, thoughtless or careless comments uttered by said host. The Snark believes it is an exp...
For: cactus seed contest
For: pashmina contest
For: pashmina contest
Here is the Image I was trying to mimic: Used 3Ds Max I created the map for the journal lines in photoshop. Note that the material on the metal parts of the journal is taken from the pencil materials.
For: photo mimic contest
thanks to friiskiwi who created pencil and paper
For: photo mimic contest
materials used: yellow paper, ball pen,pencil color,black gel pen
For: calenders contest
- the beginning of a new school year as well as the rainy season over here
For: calenders contest
For: reflective contest
old 1.3 pxl camera Contrast boost
Triangle composition Shot in Brussels (Belgium)
This display uses less that 1/4 of the space for merchandise in order to make room for colorful handing mobiles that move with the inside air conditioning and attract more passer-by attention.
For: butterflies contest
Dancing Queen from the source
source with flickr pic
For: beaver tails contest