cat with yarn
pencil and watercolors
For: cats td contest
pencil and watercolors
For: cats td contest
I heard this one a *lot* growing up. There was a little girl, Who had a little curl Right in the middle of her forehead. And when she was good, She was very, very good. But when she was bad, she was horrid! This was done with paint and smudging.
And then GoldenLocks came out in the window, and summoned the spectral lamp to guide the knights that were looking for her, holding flaming torches, through the misty woods. Photos in the background are my own.
For: old mill contest
This little flanimal sleeps under beds, looking remarkably like a dust ball, until it hears a dryer running. It then sneaks out and steals just one sock. No one knows where they hide the socks.
For: flanimals dd contest
This flanimal resides in every forest all around the world. It keeps the branches of the trees so they won't fall off. It can be seen only during the full moon nights, but still it is hard to spot.
For: flanimals dd contest
Just crop it. Hope it's better now. Thanks jaw!
For: face closeup contest
There are exactly 1000 Giraffes hiding in this image and 1 Giraffe butt! (see hi res & sbs for details)
no sources used but memory
For: waz eye dd contest
Thanks to MJRanum Stock for the model and SolStock for the texture :)
For: bunny fun contest
For: still life contest
While focusing in on my light sources (LED lighting) I kept the focus for 3 seconds then, while still being exposed, I slowly pivoted the camera on the tripod, strait down past the light sources, creating that fiery effect . The camera was moving during the shot.
For: kinetic contest
For: asian girl contest