Intent to Kill

For: film noir contest by kaibara87 on flickr by MosscowStock on deviant art by luizsilvei on sxc
Only the source used
For: lamp post contest
I created the reflections myself.. and then after all that ended up using Flaming Pear Flood...
For: single tree contest
Looks like something went wrong with the magic! no external source used
For: trumpet man contest
Ahhh... Photoshop was constantly crashing today and I lost the Step by Step guide.. I ended up re-doing the entry about 3 times. Well i hope it was worth it :/ Thanks to Jesuisautre
For: open field contest
Only source. Comments are welcome - but chances, i'm able to make corrections are little because of work and soccer on the tv :)
For: table soccer contest
No outside sources, all models were created by myself.
This painting took a very long time. I was unhappy with the lower portion at one point because it detracted from the composition, so I changed it from shear cliff to a more gradual grassy slope with some rocks. There is no reference but memory and imagination. The sky was built from many many layers...
For: paint only contest
oil on paper 35x23 cm
For: paint only contest
All done from source. Will upload SBS ASAP.
All done with source except for the little girl. It's all in SBS and High Res ;)
For: hurrican attraction contest
Kids on a ride home to their City in the clouds. Please take a look in high res.
For: cloud cities contest
For: water reflections contest
For: stone ear contest
Now a lifeless world. Thanks to pepemczolz for the flower image.
Thanks to Ben Clifford, atomicjeep, TrombaMarina, Richard Forward, estherase, Gustavo Vara, bthomso
For: idioms contest
Credit to peej0e from sxc for the barbed wire stock.
For: unconventional shoes contest
No sources.
For: stethoscope contest