spider nights
Thanks to gabrielaaa (Wall), kovik (floor), GMDee (web has been notified) and ftibor (Spider) and Dorne (Frame) Note lighting was added using Render lighting in CS3 CS3 & Bamboo Fun
Thanks to gabrielaaa (Wall), kovik (floor), GMDee (web has been notified) and ftibor (Spider) and Dorne (Frame) Note lighting was added using Render lighting in CS3 CS3 & Bamboo Fun
Thanks to Hbregazzi Just masking with a gradient background and some white frames Adjusted the lower frame with some arc and perspective transform
Thanks to krayker for the gator. Transform by scale was not used at any time in this work to make the gator smaller Legs and head are still the original size CS3 & Tablet
Thanks to LA Wad (Cannon) chic-desig (crab 1) and m_a_essam (Crab2) ericortner (City) Not sure what game inspired this but seem like something from the era
Thanks mzacha for the traffic and monaelissa for the frog
Thanks patkisha Masked the face Clone the background to cover bit of distracting background Used colour adjustment to correct neck colour Curves to brighten the necklace (CS3 & Tablet)
For: indian head contest
Thanks to LucasWard (Girls notified by PM) alitaylor (Envelope) Sarej (Stamp) This is a rework of an old entry with some different sources (CS3 & tablet)
For: idioms contest
Thanks to demordian (hands Notified by PM) Nbauer (Penny) and jonra (lightbulb) (CS3 & Tablet)
For: idioms contest
Thanks to jvverde, straymuse
CS3 & Tablet Thanks to TouTouke for the bathroom and MEJones for the falls Mask to reveal falls Changed perspective on the falls with transform. Used brightness and multiply layer masks to adjust the lighting
CS3 Wacom Bamboo Tablet Just basic masking Thanks to kconnors (Canyon) and mzacha (motorway)
Thanks to "Just us 3" CS3 and Wacom Bamboo fun were used in this image
For: celtic cross contest
Thanks to Nbauer and ElaiEva Clone to remove original numbers Copy and assemble binary values. Warp using arc at 9 degrees for outside temps Adjust opacity to blend with background
For: all binary contest
Thanks to vali_bv Cloning cut out text, warp and scale to fit new keys
For: all binary contest
Thanks to Macomb Paynes for the image
Thanks to hisks for the gun (Has been notified) and abmiller99 for the tortoise source of Diamond plate is Alien skin plug in
Thanks to starxdust (Has been notified by SXC PM) Scaling,masking and adjustment for contrast
Thanks to dyet Just scaling , masking and an adjustment layer for each iteration of the ear
Thanks to juliaf (notified by SXC PM)
Just source
For: curved arrow contest
Thanks to gokoroko for the boy on the slide Just some masking
Thanks to gracrooke (Background) float (Dummy .. notified) , beesnail (Egg)
For: exotic plant contest
Thanks to mexikids, Zhonk ,float ,duchesssa, kdodchi ,katman1972 and Steffe SXC members have been notified by PM as required