Sunday Drive

For: teddy bears contest
Young kitten
For: baby animals contest
Please be indulgent ! The light was poor ... I tried to catch the picture with 1600 ISO ... (and without tripod)
This is ink on paper. I cut out the face on a sheet of paper with a knife then placed the cut out paper over a white piece of paper the rolled black ink over the cut out paper - like a silk screen effect. It represents being with the one you love over the holidays.
For: christmas contest
Running Away - Hoobastank
For: song title contest
For: flower heads contest
For: halloween contest
Bill from a photo shoot
For: halloween contest
... Now what did I get?..
For: halloween contest
Lonely tree in the fields sorrounding Sherborne castle in UK.
For: autumn trees contest
Many people may not consider it relaxing, but nothing is more fun to me than getting a new tattoo!
For: hobbies contest
This is my camera. Everyone else was uploading pictures of new, extravagant and expensive or antique cameras. This is the one that gets used. And yes, that's a rubber band and scotch tape holding it together. remember the title. Check out in high res for all the wear it's acquired.