Do you know me? The boyfriend.

Hehehe... Thanks to Anna Paula at Flickr.
For: egg contest
Hehehe... Thanks to Anna Paula at Flickr.
For: egg contest
Lonely hearts... click on it! Only PS CS3...
For: icon designs contest
Only the source image is used
For: glass holder contest
A robot fly tends its huge mechanised egg pods. Thanks to nezbitten for the fly from (edit yipes i refitted his top leg!)
For: valencia contest
anyone seen the movie? its pretty good
For: exotic eggs contest
This is a picture of droplets I took, when they hit water. The water that was at the bottom (not the drops, was dyed purple, but the other droplets were actually plain). I also used a flash though, covered with a purple gel to achieve this effect.
For: liquid merge contest
Thanks to Clix for the source of my image (bulblight).
For: matches contest
Thanks to ''shoofly'' for source 3
For: ufo hoax contest
Sepia added in PS
For: sepia toning contest
Source only.
For: gumballs contest
The charts magically seem to come alive. Used two sources, mainly for the colors.
For: maritime contest
A building which is a modern house as well as a castle. Photoshop only.
From the Brothers Grimm. Entry all created in Photoshop. No external sources, references or brushes, just the default stuff that PS offers. See further in the SBS. Please watch in HiRes before vote, thank you.
For: fairy tales contest