20 years younger
**Fixed the neck area - did not add to sbs, very simple use of patch tool... also used the burn tool slightly under each eye to give them dimension**
**Fixed the neck area - did not add to sbs, very simple use of patch tool... also used the burn tool slightly under each eye to give them dimension**
thanks to Obsidian Dawn for the brushes!
For: fairies contest
Darkened wires behind eye and cleaned up teeth with some added wires to get rid of the feel they were just floating. Hope it helps!
Hunter sits on a foggy morning, looking at the horizon for his prey while his trusty dog brings him his most recent kill.
For: water plants contest
As per the rules this is a concept of what a VERY old map would have been like, if the world had been flat. NO outside images used (with the exception of a sketch I uploaded - found in beginning of sbs.)
For: old maps contest
Hey... it's October! lol
For: mosaic contest
ring ring ring ring ring ring ring BANANA PHONE! I got this FEELING So appealing for us to get together and sing (SING) (if your confused go to this link it will all make sense!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1L65Ek5aKWQ
For: banana bench contest
Thanks to foodistablog for use of salad image Thanks to orangeacid for eye image
I have always wanted to attempt making one of these. I am pleased with the outcome - critique appreciated!
thanks to syccas-stock for girl (has been notified) SBS NOW UP **fixed Floor and added hi res**
For: spinning contest
Yummy burger and fries!
For: two burgers contest
During the day, its a wonderful attraction for children of all ages, at night, those who enjoyed it in life, come back to relive the life they once had, in the circus. *working on sbs now, may take some time*
For: circ classic contest
This fairy with light illuminating from her wings has flown around the entire field, removing all the weeds, she is quite relieved that this is the last one for her to do! **I still have some things to learn, some constructive criticizm is appreciated!** Fixed image per critique from comment...
For: hawkbit contest
When she's not running around being a dirty mess, she cleans up rather nicely. In fact, if you didn't know any better, this picture that was done of her not to long after she cleaned all the mud away, she looks just like a doll!
For: muddy face contest
The soul rising from the coffin
For: the soul contest