12 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar JannaR
JannaR says:

Interesting composition! Nice thinking!

(5 years and 2501 days ago)

avatar JannaR
JannaR says:

Lovely colors & contrasts..., but the field & sky take away from the fence. Just my opinion.

(5 years and 2501 days ago)

avatar JannaR
JannaR says:

Like the idea, and lighting, but the trees & field are taking away from the fence.

(5 years and 2501 days ago)

avatar JannaR
JannaR says:

Love the angle & starkness. I would love to see the hi res though, for better detail.

(5 years and 2501 days ago)

avatar Chrys Rizzo

Was purposely put the picture upside down? If it was, I loved the idea. GL

(5 years and 2502 days ago)

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Lovely photo, you sure left it till the last minute for uploading.

(5 years and 2572 days ago)


Fallling horse ..u very funny..same comment on my photo...love u ! so funny!

(5 years and 2661 days ago)

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

That is quite a lean on the horizon, the problem of uploading at the last minute is that you can't fix things like that.

(5 years and 2663 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

This would work better if you straightened the horizon

(5 years and 2663 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

This would work better if you straightened the horizon

(5 years and 2663 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

selective color?

(5 years and 2683 days ago)

Canoe on Ice
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Nice light and silhouette

(5 years and 2683 days ago)

Sunset Fishermen
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

They're a little far away to see well

(5 years and 2683 days ago)

Pelicans & Seagulls
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Very pretty, but looks a bit more like selective B&W than selective color

(5 years and 2683 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

That's pretty interesting

(5 years and 2683 days ago)

1934 Congressman
avatar MarcosSanchez

Isn't the beggining ?

(5 years and 2683 days ago)

The path stops here
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

great shot

(5 years and 2684 days ago)

Here let me help you
avatar MarcosSanchez

Looks like it was a hot day ...

(5 years and 2684 days ago)

Sunset Fishermen
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Is the bad habit rooting for Green Bay?

(5 years and 2684 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

So why didn't you fix it?

(5 years and 2697 days ago)

Rope Float Sunset
no avatar
SandraCBS says:

Amazing .. that moment!

(5 years and 2698 days ago)

Full Moon Setting
no avatar

Cool. Nice take on the photo.

(5 years and 2700 days ago)

avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

Except for the bench leg in the lower left hand corner being "cut into" by the sunset, this is a very original take, nice work.

(5 years and 2701 days ago)

Rope Float Sunset
avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

Definitely one to be appreciated in High-Res. Great photo!

(5 years and 2701 days ago)

The Beauty of Art
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Interesting idea, but the reflection shouldn't be in front of the bench leg. The uncut photos should be posted in a step-by-step guide. (SBS).

(5 years and 2702 days ago)

Rope Float Sunset
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Nice front yard. Great photo.

(5 years and 2708 days ago)

Those Summer Nights