
The image is created with Photoshop and Illustrator. Please see sbs before voring. Thanks:)
The image is created with Photoshop and Illustrator. Please see sbs before voring. Thanks:)
Thanks to Night Fate from
For: heart contest
Ahhh... Photoshop was constantly crashing today and I lost the Step by Step guide.. I ended up re-doing the entry about 3 times. Well i hope it was worth it :/ Thanks to Jesuisautre
For: open field contest
This was created using the smudge tool, with Dry Media Brushes #28,60 and 6... Looooots of smudging... (Reference was used for idea)
For: two colors contest
I used the shape of the first burger to draw the head of the frog, and little pieces of the source have been enlarged to create big flat shapes of color. Then I putted the burger on the dish. The japanese ideograms (seen that i don't know Japanese) come from an online dictionary: I simply used th...
For: two burgers contest