5 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar DanLundberg

Very appealing colors and mood. Background pic is beautiful, but I confess I don't get the point of the additions and glows. Most questionable, what does skateboarding have to do with love?

(5 years and 3482 days ago)

le cite de l
avatar CorneliaMladenova

Looks precious... and scary

(5 years and 3536 days ago)

El Dorado
avatar swordfish
swordfish says:

nice job ......... overall it is beautiful ..............

(5 years and 3539 days ago)

El Dorado
no avatar

i don't know it looks a bit overcrowded with effects....but thats just me...

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

El Dorado
avatar erathion
erathion says:

wow....golden rush...Fantastic job author...work with the head,simply amazing...well done

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

El Dorado
avatar swordfish
swordfish says:


(5 years and 3546 days ago)

electrifying native
avatar nemanja
nemanja says:

I like this blue colour... And the electricity.

(5 years and 3547 days ago)

electrifying native
avatar Lamantine
Lamantine says:

great job !

(5 years and 3548 days ago)

electrifying native
avatar erathion
erathion says:

Great SBS author...good luck

(5 years and 3548 days ago)

electrifying native