Drink Me

At least I got a reason to try this tut of making object transparent. http://www.pxleyes.com/tutorial/photoshop/2206/A-Quick-and-Simple-Way-to-Make-Any-Object-Transparent.html
For: tutorial fun contest
Mostly photomontage with blending and brushwork. Eyes: peacock tailfeather, ears: elephant's ears, nose: potato, hair: onion's root. The face is of course made of wood. The background image is of a friend of mine (I mean the person). Thanks for the others for sxc.hu and Morguefiles!
For: sea star contest
My first thought about the source image was what we're doing to this planet. Although I'm not an activist. I used simple tools for this project. Rendered the face (liquify filter and painting), cut the parts needed and made some blending mostly by brush, eraser and healing brush. On the deforestati...
For: globe contest