2 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar still26
still26 says:

You find beauty everywhere, even with the smallest of the small! Good eyes. You need to get it in focus, after all, we want to see the beauty of the bug too. Keep trying.

(5 years and 286 days ago)

 photography (my photography)
avatar still26
still26 says:

Nice attempt with sun coming through and waking up the town. The image is full of noise and aberrations around the branches. You need to raise the ISO somewhat and have a better focus. Good attempt!

(5 years and 286 days ago)

My mobile morning shot
avatar still26
still26 says:

Nice closeup but you have a smudge on your lens and the blowouts on the rocks visually confuse us. I like the POV, nice and low but there are quite a few distractions.

(5 years and 286 days ago)

SLR pic
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Those rocks cofuse the photo and a bit to much light on them,maybe a different viewpoint would have been a better choice

(5 years and 287 days ago)

SLR pic