2 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar madamemonty


(5 years and 2496 days ago)

Yet another generic trivia show #7014
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

If this is really one of your first 3d model than I would like to congratulate.

There are some problems, but if you have less then 50 hours experience this work is the very best.

Let's start with the main problem, this table can not be presented in a simple white or black background render. Here you should put this table near a wall textued with white tiles... it would be much more natural.

I think you used scanline render or maybe mental ray, but you do not checked the shadow option, so your models seems to be levitating instead of being in the table.

If you do not remember something, you should search something similar on google, this is totally legal.

I hade made some major problems in modelling, if you want some advices how to make things easier, contact me.

Best wishes.

(5 years and 2551 days ago)

Chemistry station