1337 comments given:
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BWR says:

BTW, what method did you use to make the strings see-through?

(5 years and 749 days ago)

Billie Jean Pawn King
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BWR says:

I'm a little slow sometimes. At first I was like "What does Billy Jean King have to do with it?" Then the lights went on and Billy Jean *KING* made sense. I smiled and chuckled a bit.

My critique. Try to blend the mouth, and eye. Maybe feather them in SLIGHTLTY w/ a mask? Maybe just some small amount of dark or semi dark, brushing, or maybe even an outer glow? Something similar for the chess pieces too. Sorry but I am such a stickler for details and some of the masks have some fringing. The Quick and Dirty way to do it is "Layer > Matting > Defringe" which take about 1 second. You can also clip a layer on top of them. Sometimes a Normal, Soft/Hard Light, Overlay, Multiply Layer will do. Then either sample some colors with your brush (via alt+left click)or even clone around the edge to "paint out" the fringing. Slight reflections on the ground may work too. Good shadowing under the hats.

(5 years and 749 days ago)

Billie Jean Pawn King
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BWR says:

This was my favorite

(5 years and 752 days ago)

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painful. ouch is right.

(5 years and 752 days ago)

Make me a Warewolf
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BWR says:

If we could animate him, it would be a viral internet meme for sure.

(5 years and 752 days ago)

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BWR says:

Nice job. 3rd place on your 1st entry. Not bad.

(5 years and 752 days ago)

Entry number 105528
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BWR says:

Wow! 2nd place too.

(5 years and 752 days ago)

Puppet show
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BWR says:

Congrats Zizounai!! Another win for you!!

(5 years and 752 days ago)

Going home
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BWR says:

The road brushing I suggested should be done under the shadow layers.

(5 years and 753 days ago)

Hipster Pirate
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BWR says:

Not much of the source was used but I do think some elements of this chop are strong. The car is pretty much perfect. The lighting and tone fit right in. Honestly it doesn't even look Photoshopped - it looks pretty real. My biggest problem is the chest, shoes, and crown. They are too warm in tone and do not have that "hazy" look of the rest of the shop. A few things that may work. Put them all into a group if you can. Then clip an Exposure Adjustment Layer and mess with the "Offset" slider - probably to the right to make it hazy. Be careful, this slider is WAY sensitive and you may have to do it very little. Now, since the crown is even less hazy, you may have to do another Exposure Offset on it alone. Then try to maybe make it more blue or even blue-green in tone. A color Adjustment Layer may do the trick. If you want to get nit picky, you may want to flip the hat horizontally so that it's properly aligned. If you don't or can't do that, maybe some warp may make it fit better. Really good job with the shadows on the car and chest - plus points for that. Since the ground is wet, maybe some reflections from the car and chest? I really don's know how they would look but it's worth a shot even it they are VERY subtle. Also if you want to get even more nit-picky, take a dark brush sampled from a dark color in the road. Brush it ever so gently at a low opacity to take out some of the shine in the road that is around the chest. I am suggesting this because the light is being filter in through the trees and the chest would block that light some, so you would not have that road shine.

(5 years and 753 days ago)

Hipster Pirate
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BWR says:

You need to list your sources or this entry will be disqualified. Read this about "source images". http://www.pxleyes.com/blog/2013/08/participating-in-pxleyes-photoshop-contests/

(5 years and 754 days ago)

WWE Horsieee
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BWR says:

I like the details in the eye lashes. It looks like you added some eyelashes (or the caterpillars hairy stuff) to the "white parts" of the caterpillar. I know what I am saying but it may not sound right. You are the author so perhaps you know what I mean?

(5 years and 754 days ago)

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BWR says:

More like a "Gross" insect rather than a "Grocer" insect.

(5 years and 754 days ago)

Crunchy for Munchy
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BWR says:

I really enjoyed this Photoshop. It's an awesome concept and made my eyes wander. The faults I see are the overall tone should have been much warmer due to the light source being a setting sun (things are much more orangy at sunset right?). The power plant for example fits in as far as temperature is concerned but right next to it the skyline is really "cool" (bluer) in temperature so they conflict. Also when you have a back lit scene like that, you would see some of the sun's light reflecting off the left side of some of the individual buildings that are getting hit by the sun's light, as well as the right side of the mountains, and perhaps some of top of the arm/hand. This can be achieved via a Brushing Layer, or multiple ones that are "clipped" to the buildings, hand/arm, and even the mountain. Generally you would use an Overlay, Soft or Hard Light, or Screen Layers, but there are a few more you can use. Then just brush some gold/yellow/orange color for your light, varying the brightness and opacity of the brush as needed. The green part on the arm has too much light on the top "half" which does not concur with the back-lit light source (the "back side" of the arm should be more shadowy and less lit up). As for the power plant, it's backwards. The shadowy side should be on the right due to the sun being on its left. If you need some help with this, feel free to PM me.

(5 years and 754 days ago)

Entry number 105528
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BWR says:

Little bit of fingernails and I bet it can give a mean back scratch!!

(5 years and 754 days ago)

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BWR says:

Congrats Zahid5. 3rd place is pretty good.

(5 years and 760 days ago)

Musical Cyborg 2.0
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BWR says:

I like head and earphones. I got like over 20 pairs. You and I can make tons of money selling these as the worlds biggest headphones. These are the current world record holders. I think we got them beat.


(5 years and 760 days ago)

Musical truck
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BWR says:

Ahh... good eye.

(5 years and 760 days ago)

Musical truck
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BWR says:

Well deserved win. BWR approved.

(5 years and 760 days ago)

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BWR says:

Congrats Drivenslush. Good job opening the lizards mouth by using the crocodile mouth. I like the orange glow inside.

(5 years and 760 days ago)

Puff Puff
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BWR says:

Congrats Zizounai. I actually liked "The Pink Flower Dragon" better but this one is cool too.

(5 years and 760 days ago)

Echoes of a bygone age
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BWR says:

Just so you know, this was tied with "The Pink Flower Dragon" as my favorite of all the other entries.

(5 years and 760 days ago)

Night of the Red Moon Dragon
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BWR says:

Nice chop

(5 years and 762 days ago)

Floating Island
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BWR says:

Shadows under the sitting doll and the rooster next to her are too dark. Maybe keep them darker closer to the subjects and fade them out a bit as you go out further. Good job cutting out some of the subjects. A couple of them looked tough like the wizard's beard and sitting girl's hat.

(5 years and 762 days ago)

Puppet show
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BBBBBBOOOOOOOMMMM! I can't hear you because of all the bass!!

(5 years and 762 days ago)

Musical truck
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(5 years and 762 days ago)

Party Cub Container
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BWR says:

This is really good. Very good use of source as well as being imaginative.

(5 years and 762 days ago)

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BWR says:

OMG "Alligator tongue (yuck)". I agree... YUCK!

(5 years and 762 days ago)

Fighting the mighty dragon
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I can't tell. Is it going to bite me or be my friend?

(5 years and 762 days ago)

The Burble Shnirken
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BWR says:

Nice composite. Took me a second to fine the moth source. I liked the way you used it.

(5 years and 762 days ago)

The Pink Flower Dragon
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BWR says:

It really looks way better author. now there is a true light source.

(5 years and 762 days ago)

Night of the Red Moon Dragon
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BWR says:

IMO the dragon should be lighter towards the fire. Look at the wing on the far right by the castle. It is much further away from the fire, but it is just as bright as the face.

(5 years and 765 days ago)

Night of the Red Moon Dragon
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BWR says:

Congrats Zahid5. Nit bad. 2nd place on only your seconds entry.

(5 years and 766 days ago)

The Bitcoin Tower
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BWR says:

Congrats Zahid5. Nit bad. 2nd place on only your seconds entry.

(5 years and 766 days ago)

The Bitcoin Tower
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(5 years and 766 days ago)

Hard coins
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BWR says:

This is pretty cool.

(5 years and 773 days ago)

Ancient Astronauts
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BWR says:

Gorglebunbunsnooch... haha. Maybe try blurring the rocks and maybe the water a bit to give it some depth of field? Maybe Gorglebunbunsnooch will stand out some more?

(5 years and 773 days ago)

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BWR says:

Congrats Zizounai.

(5 years and 783 days ago)

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Good yob brother robvdn

(5 years and 783 days ago)

Dreamy portrait
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Congrats on your win rturnbow!!

(5 years and 783 days ago)

Cute Little Guy
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BWR says:

Sorry I ddibn't comment on this before. The food looked so good, I went out to eat.


(5 years and 783 days ago)

Space picnic
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BWR says:

Close race. Congrats Denlig.

(5 years and 783 days ago)

Electric Steam Boat
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BWR says:

Maybe have the exhaust shooting out from an external sourced rocket engine or even an engine from a fighter jet. Perhaps you could mask off the boat's engine to resemble one. Also the windows of the cockpit are blue and the sky is black in your Chop. That's an easy fix. Just "mask out" the blue parts of the windows. Then in your "Mask Properties", lower the "Density" a bit to allow some of the winnow to show through. You may or may not have to mess with a Hue/Sat adjustment to darken the Blue color of the windows. This way it will look like there is some glass in the cockpit, but it will be see-through and you will see the black sky behind it. The bottom of the boat is white. You may want to color it orange so the rocket color looks more consistent.

(5 years and 797 days ago)

4,3,2,1 Lift Off
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(5 years and 799 days ago)

Hot Banana
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BWR says:

Congrats seestah Zizounai.

(5 years and 799 days ago)

Fruit salad
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BWR says:

Nice work on the exposure of the background. It was so dark but somehow you brought back the detail. Gave extra points for that. Not a fan of the water color look on it though. Top notch work on making the guy look like he is in motion.

(5 years and 804 days ago)

Back flip
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BWR says:

That looks like me trying to cook normally.

(5 years and 807 days ago)

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BWR says:

I don't think I can do good on these "design" contests where you have to make a poster. I had such a hard time scoring everyone's Photoshop. I know nothing about movies, TV, and stuff. I have no TV, radio, and go to one movie a year.. maybe.

(5 years and 822 days ago)

The hateful eight
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BWR says:

I really tired myself out on my last Photoshop in the mushroom contest. My mind has been blank for the last week.

(5 years and 822 days ago)

Look who
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BWR says:

Congrats Denlig.

(5 years and 822 days ago)

The Magnificent Seven