1337 comments given:
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BWR says:

The positioning of the spider is perfect. I'd hide under the bed too.

(5 years and 863 days ago)

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BWR says:

I see a face.


(5 years and 863 days ago)

Ghostly night
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BWR says:

TY author.

(5 years and 863 days ago)

 Fall down.
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BWR says:

good story.

(5 years and 863 days ago)

She used to call me...
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BWR says:

50"? I hope it's at least 4K man.

(5 years and 863 days ago)

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BWR says:

Nice idea. A cool scene. I like those vapor trail brushes. I just downloaded them

(5 years and 863 days ago)

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BWR says:

I want that phone! Would be nice to have a girl pop out of mine.

(5 years and 863 days ago)

Hologram Phone
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BWR says:

My only suggestion is maybe make the source girl more monotone and sepia like the old wedding photos.

(5 years and 863 days ago)

She used to call me...
avatar BWR
BWR says:

How did you make the streaks?

(5 years and 863 days ago)

 Fall down.
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BWR says:

A triclops.

(5 years and 863 days ago)

The Descendant of Anne Boleyn
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BWR says:

Love it.

(5 years and 864 days ago)

avatar BWR
BWR says:

Yes you are brilliant skyangel. I'm a fan.

(5 years and 865 days ago)

Graffiti Wall
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BWR says:

It's not a horrible idea. skyangel is spot on.

(5 years and 866 days ago)

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BWR says:

Looks kinda like a lizard lady.

(5 years and 866 days ago)

Eye Whisperer
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BWR says:

FYI, pretty sure that brown curvy thing is in the upper left of the soup that's kind of sausage shaped, is tofu covered "kamaboko". It's a Japanese fish cake.

The fish cake looks like this http://pad1.whstatic.com/images/b/ba/Kamaboko_8.JPG.

When covered in tofu they look like this https://i.pinimg.com/736x/cb/f5/2f/cbf52f026e9584467f2d6048f4506aea--japanese-food-maki.jpg.

When fried, they look like this https://www.japantravel-centre.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/oden.jpg.

(5 years and 867 days ago)

Fish eye
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BWR says:

Congrats skyangel. Nice chop.

(5 years and 867 days ago)

Graffiti Wall
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BWR says:

This was my favorite. Congrats rturnbow!

(5 years and 867 days ago)

Steampunk Peeper
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BWR says:

GJ lolu. There was some tough competition this contest.

(5 years and 867 days ago)

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BWR says:

I liked this one.

(5 years and 867 days ago)

Apples of the Eyes with Worm in the Tearducts
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BWR says:

Beautiful work. Suitable for framing.

(5 years and 867 days ago)

Journey to the center of the eye
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BWR says:

I feel like feeding it a carrot.

(5 years and 867 days ago)

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BWR says:

So, in the end of the story, does the eagle catch the tick or is there an alternative ending?

(5 years and 867 days ago)

Good Tick Hunting
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BWR says:

Kingfishers built the Great Pyramids and Stonehenge. Common knowledge skyangel.

(5 years and 869 days ago)

Kingfisher dropped the soap on top of Maria
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BWR says:

Haha! I should have figured that out. I was in south Florida when it hit. Real strong winds (120MPH) and lots of trees blown down and stuff.

(5 years and 869 days ago)

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BWR says:

That's the one with David Bowie doing some of the music?

(5 years and 870 days ago)

Cat Eye
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BWR says:

An eagle hunting a tick in someone's eye. You have a creatively twisted mind, and I mean that in a good way. Can't wait to find out who you are.

(5 years and 870 days ago)

Good Tick Hunting
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BWR says:

Which one?

(5 years and 870 days ago)

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BWR says:

I gotta know. Who is Irma?

(5 years and 870 days ago)

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BWR says:

Fish eye soup...

(5 years and 870 days ago)

Fish eye
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BWR says:

EXCELLENT chop. REally love it. Just bend her fingers down so they look like they are touching the bed.. and maybe give her some warmer tones?

(5 years and 872 days ago)

A night at the dungeon
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BWR says:

I noticed the tapered edges of your hair smudges and it looked liek a tablet. I use a mouse. I have a tablet but have never used it.

The way you probably saw that chop is that you took a lot of time to cut out her hair, fix her skin imperfections, make the background etc. And that's pretty much how I saw it. But I imagine that some won't take the time to analyze a chop in that manner before voting. I tend to over-analyze ever chop and every detail haha.

(5 years and 872 days ago)

Piercing girl
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BWR says:

I noticed the smoothing of the facial and neck skin and cloning where her hair is really really short (I always look at sources). I also saw the time you took to smooth out the edges of her hair (via smudge I believe) which was the best part of the chop and counted for most of my score. However the source wasn't incorporated well Z, so that took off points. Not disrespecting your chop, just trying to give honest critique.

I can tell you that I did not give you anything near what your final score was (I voted higher). But yea, the low marks were probably due to the source being so tiny. Either that, or troll voting.

Do you use a graphics tablet?

(5 years and 873 days ago)

Piercing girl
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BWR says:

Congrats Z.

(5 years and 874 days ago)

Piercing girl
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BWR says:

Congrats Zizounai. Deserved to be rated much higher IMO.

(5 years and 874 days ago)

Watch dog
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BWR says:

Congrats Denlig.

Everything seems to be rated low in this contest.

(5 years and 874 days ago)

Cyclope Spider
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BWR says:

Berry nice. Someone agrees with me.
Can you imagine having a berry that big? Just one of those round "dimple" parts (or w/e they are called. there had to be a word for them) would be enough.

(5 years and 874 days ago)

Raspberry Delivery
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BWR says:


(5 years and 875 days ago)

Snail crossing.
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BWR says:

I get them like this. Go to your messages. Open one up and hit reply. All the emoticons will be there.

(5 years and 875 days ago)

Snail crossing.
avatar BWR
BWR says:

Good story author. Seems legit.

(5 years and 875 days ago)

Big fish
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BWR says:

Isn't there a saying about threading a camel through the eye of a needle?

(5 years and 875 days ago)

Camels can go thru eye of needle
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BWR says:

Nice idea man. Your berries on the left side look cut off. IMO this is more favorable. Flip the berries horizontally so they don't look cut off. Note the two red arrows where the mask is different from yours.


(5 years and 875 days ago)

Raspberry Delivery
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BWR says:

looks so much better in full size.

(5 years and 875 days ago)

Big Hippity on route to the Toki
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BWR says:

You're fast!! I bet you could do this. You gotta be fast to catch a chicken.

(5 years and 875 days ago)

Snail crossing.
avatar BWR
BWR says:

good use of blend modes. looks pretty real.

(5 years and 875 days ago)

Graffiti Wall
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BWR says:

Slimey. Yucky. Can you make a snail trail?

(5 years and 875 days ago)

Snail crossing.
avatar BWR
BWR says:

I added my settings for you in the Imgur album. Yea it's more warm for sure. At first I tried a warming color filter but it was inadequate. Up to you which one you like.


Haha. Yup, BWR = BigWaveRider . Gonna be changing my name soon. Mods said they can't give me a name change, so I have to make a whole new account.

(5 years and 878 days ago)

Your mouse is too small, buddie...
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BWR says:

Hi author. I did a few things that I thought would improve it. You did a really good job of color matching the boy, the girl and the cat into the background, but IMO the overall color cast of the image made it look flat. So I did some quick and dirty color/light work on it, and now I believe the chop "pops" a bit more. Let me know what you think.

Made two more images that are sort of a mini SBS. I used Nik filters and Color Balance. Am I allowed to tell you the settings? I have no problems giving you the settings, but is it against the rules?


(5 years and 878 days ago)

Your mouse is too small, buddie...
avatar BWR
BWR says:

Wonderful. i like the rebuild of the bike chain and the little numbers. the way you put that clock stuff in the eye is sweet. BWR approved.

(5 years and 878 days ago)

Steampunk Peeper
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BWR says:

Congrats SA.

(5 years and 880 days ago)

 Church Domes
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BWR says:

First and second. Not bad.

(5 years and 880 days ago)
