1337 comments given:
avatar BWR
BWR says:

Nice job Z!!!

(5 years and 649 days ago)

avatar BWR
BWR says:

Congrats my friend.

(5 years and 649 days ago)

Hulky Cat
avatar BWR
BWR says:

Check out some tutorials on how to turn a person into a statue. Good luck.

(5 years and 649 days ago)

Dual Nature
avatar BWR
BWR says:

This is just nature. Predators eat prey. John will be recycled, and the circle of life will continue.

(5 years and 650 days ago)

John is Not Having a Good Day
avatar BWR
BWR says:

Those white "rounded rectangles" on the film should be masked out to be made see-through.

(5 years and 650 days ago)

Release the kraken
avatar BWR
BWR says:

Nice job. Damn now I forgot what idea this one gave me.

(5 years and 650 days ago)

Are you rather round or rectangular?
avatar BWR
BWR says:

A disturbing frog man. Congrats lolu.

(5 years and 650 days ago)

avatar BWR
BWR says:

I really liked this one. I rated it very high. Thought you might win this contest. Perhaps you should have.

(5 years and 650 days ago)

Caricature expressions
avatar BWR
BWR says:

Now this is cool. A skate park in the woods. The girl is a bit flat IMO (no contrast).

(5 years and 652 days ago)

In the woods
avatar BWR
BWR says:

This is pretty cool. I love the way you made the rays of light coming in from the end. It may be just a tad hot (too bright) in the center "source" of the light. Also the line where the water meets the trees is perhaps too straight. Water had ripples or a soft edge at its "horizon". I ABSOLUTELY adore how you made the water!!! You have to teach me your method. It looks so real. Not so sure about the lens flares. Maybe blur them and/or lower the opacity, but that's up to you. It's not my chop so I can't experiment with it and see how that would affect it. Great work author.

(5 years and 652 days ago)

Loch ness monster
avatar BWR
BWR says:

Cool idea. Just a thought, and it may not even work, but maybe try one of the "Distort" filters behind the ghost? When light travels through something see-through, it can bend and distort. It won't distort as much if the see-through thing is flat, but your ghost is round and should cause distortion.

These may not be the best examples but you can see the distortion behind these wine glasses.


You may not want to take the time to do this, but in my opinion little things like this make the Chop better.

(5 years and 652 days ago)

Bruce the Ghost in a Forest
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BWR says:

OMG I haven't laughed that hard in several days. That last sentence was a great "punch line" to the whole story.

You blurred it more than I thought was necessary, but you know what? It looks really awesome now. It adds a depth of field to his head that is pretty darned tasty.

(5 years and 656 days ago)

avatar BWR
BWR says:

fix da lip like has been suggested.

(5 years and 656 days ago)

man in white
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BWR says:

Bruce Jenner.

(5 years and 656 days ago)

Definitely happy
avatar BWR
BWR says:

If you can maybe blur the edges just a tad. It had that "hard cutout" look to it.

(5 years and 656 days ago)

avatar BWR
BWR says:

Epic mustaches.

(5 years and 656 days ago)

Tulips of Groucho
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BWR says:

Would make a fin background.

(5 years and 656 days ago)

Distance Tell
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BWR says:

great idea but IMO he needs a chin.

(5 years and 656 days ago)

avatar BWR
BWR says:

Disturbing. I reckon that's a good thing when you can have the viewers feel an emotion.

(5 years and 656 days ago)

Freaking Love
avatar BWR
BWR says:

Pretty funny. Gave me an idea for a future chop.

(5 years and 656 days ago)

Are you rather round or rectangular?
avatar BWR
BWR says:

I really like this. Looks like you use a tablet. Very nice work. I am impressed.

(5 years and 656 days ago)

Caricature expressions
avatar BWR
BWR says:

Congrats Drivenslush. A caterpillar compass clock worm.

(5 years and 657 days ago)

avatar BWR
BWR says:

Surfing FTW. Congrats on your 3rd.

(5 years and 657 days ago)

City Escape
avatar BWR
BWR says:

WEEE!! Congrats on 2nd

(5 years and 657 days ago)

avatar BWR
BWR says:

Congrats on 2nd. Close race and a fine job. FYI, your score was 63.67% and they rounded it up to 63.7%. You can see your real score here http://www.pxleyes.com/profile/SinginDarkSwan/portfolio/

(5 years and 657 days ago)

Tree of Time
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BWR says:

It's neither. It's just how the source photo was. I'm just sensitive to stuff like that is all.

(5 years and 659 days ago)

After the drought
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BWR says:

I can see that. Men get grumpy when they are hungry.

(5 years and 659 days ago)

Time for dinner, Mr Edison
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BWR says:

Extra points for the SBS.

(5 years and 659 days ago)

Can you Escape?
avatar BWR
BWR says:

Maybe that cat uses steroids?

(5 years and 659 days ago)

Hulky Cat
avatar BWR
BWR says:

Boy's face is too light. Also the man's body has an "HDR Look" to it, so maybe try to match the boy's face to the body. The boy's face is too "soft" for the body.

(5 years and 659 days ago)

Boo Boo at the Lab
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BWR says:

Holy Copy/Paste!!

(5 years and 659 days ago)

Alternative Universe Sock Drawer
avatar BWR
BWR says:

Congrats on your 3rd. Well done.

(5 years and 661 days ago)

banana pooch
avatar BWR
BWR says:

Good job on 2nd place!

(5 years and 661 days ago)

Banananana Vase
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BWR says:

Nice work Z!!

(5 years and 661 days ago)

Unstill life
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BWR says:

Congrats buzzy.

(5 years and 661 days ago)

public education
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BWR says:

Congrats George55. That's a trippy chop.

(5 years and 661 days ago)

avatar BWR
BWR says:

Nice job my sister. You are on a roll. You go girl!!

(5 years and 661 days ago)

avatar BWR
BWR says:

You see, the lady rhinos don't like sharp horns on the babies when they are giving birth. It's a bit uncomfortable for them.

(5 years and 661 days ago)

avatar BWR
BWR says:

Looks like you can smoke that stuff. LOL.

(5 years and 661 days ago)

xmas tree bulb
avatar BWR
BWR says:

He looks so peaceful in your source image but he looks spooky in your chop. Haha.

(5 years and 661 days ago)

Time for dinner, Mr Edison
avatar BWR
BWR says:

OMG gotta love them surf chops. (BWR = Big Wave Rider)

That wave is in Java Indonesia BTW.

(5 years and 661 days ago)

City Escape
avatar BWR
BWR says:

IDK why this is the first thing I thought of http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/6a00d8341c652b53ef0120a7f4ac0d970b-800wi_3486.jpg

(5 years and 661 days ago)

Can you Escape?
avatar BWR
BWR says:

That depth of field is freaking me out and making me dizzy. l'd suggest some shadowing under the water. Your source image didn't have any because the bulb was clear.

(5 years and 661 days ago)

After the drought
avatar BWR
BWR says:

Congrats on 3rd place Drivenslush. My brother liked this one too.

(5 years and 671 days ago)

The Music Critic
avatar BWR
BWR says:

Congrats seestah Z. I showed this one to my brother and he laughed.

(5 years and 671 days ago)

The Monkeydelics
avatar BWR
BWR says:

This is a good chop. What really bothers me is your .jpg compression has too much noise even in the hi-res version. Your entry can be up to 5 megabytes and your image is only 135 kilobytes. There may be a reason why you did it, but 1100X800 pixels is really small in size. They can be up to 3500 X 3500.

(5 years and 672 days ago)

avatar BWR
BWR says:

He is so darned annoying!!

(5 years and 673 days ago)

Annoying Mr. Bang Bang
avatar BWR
BWR says:

Good rebuild of the drummer monkey. Good use of external sources for the singers.

(5 years and 673 days ago)

The Monkeydelics
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BWR says:

Just saying she looks too much like a dude. Is it good or bad to be a Star Trek Nerd? I'm more into Blade Runner (1 and 2), Naked Lunch, Dark City, Sunshine, type Sci-fi.

(5 years and 674 days ago)

sexy nana
avatar BWR
BWR says:

She needs... woman parts... 2 of em... breasts ok?

(5 years and 675 days ago)

sexy nana