Looking For Prey

Looking for Prey
For: frog contest
Looking for Prey
For: frog contest
A baby dinosaur. Tall Grass - TY CC0 Public Domain http://maxpixel.freegreatpicture.com/Mawanella-Tall-Grass-Maana-Leafs-Sri-Lanka-Grass-213823?ar=1492040378
For: easter eggs contest
Rocks for Chimney - morrowlong https://www.flickr.com/photos/morrowlong/5280568693 Smoke brush - www.PSDdesign.net http://www.psddesign.net/abstract-brushes/six-smoke-brushes-id6812.htm Rock pile for Lantern - Apthomas1 https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pangong_Tso#/media/File:Pangong_Tso_at_Sunrise....
For: roodkapje contest
Alone in his life. Lost everything. Passed out drunk on the floor. And to top it off, a deer comes busting through his wall. https://commons.wikimedia.orgwikiFile:Cigarette_in_white_ashtray.jpg Cigarette - Tomasz Sienicki https://myphotoshopbrushes.com/brushes/id/382/ Smoke Brushes - Jon Bee - Eebv...
All source made with lots of warp and brushing.
For: water drop contest
The clouds were made with a custom brush I personally made in Photoshop. Just a standard round brush was used along with "Brush Presets". Ropes are brushed lines, with layer style and some Hard Light brushing. Hope I did everything right, I was very rushed.
For: photographer contest
A composite of the background, house, Mrs. Claus (which is a composite), Santa (which is a composite), presents, Santa's Goats with their harnesses, antlers, and foot prints in snow. Don't forget Rudolf. :-D The .mil sources were approved by Rob. Santa's body and harnesses - Gellinger https://pixa...
For: goats contest
Please view image in hi-res. For some reason it makes it very soft when viewed normally. Captured from Earth, the Little Green Men are taking him to their home Planet. Poor old geezer. We need to help him. Mods please note in the SBS I said that I made the smoke brush. I didn\'t, and have added the...
Additional source: https://rachgracehstock.deviantart.com/art/Eleonora-89-632866111 Girl - RachgracehStock
For: single eye contest
A scary scene. Check out SBS.
A heavy composite made from 32 source images. Please look at SBS. It's pretty cool. For some reason the image looks a bit fuzzy in this preview, so have a look at the Hi-res. . . More Sources: . https://www.flickr.com/photos/afagen/12172162436/in/photostream/ (Grasshoper Weather Vane - Adam Fagen) h...
For: agaric contest
Please view SBS. Dragon made from an iguana. Head-wing is from a bat. Teeth are from a crocodile. Tongue is from a cow.
For: Dragons 2018 contest
Ive always wanted to live in a fish. Umm.... not really :). Put the path on the grass and made her a lovely fish to live in. Added a sky, flag, birds, and scarecrow too.
For: wooden mill contest
The guy on the right was smoothed out with a technique called "Frequency Separation". The cracks under the mail sign were made using his eye wrinkles. Letters for mail sign were copy/pasted from the "mail sign" source image and rearranged.
For: letters contest
Combines an armadillo and a crab. Put it on a cement background with some pillars. Sine the armadillo had no visible eyes, I used some frog eyes so he can see. He's mean. Don't go near him.
For: animal mashup 2018 contest
For: laboratory bottle contest
Castle with windows made from source. Turned daylight into a more night time look.
For: gate contest
Please look at Hi-Res image. All source except the texture.
For: night table contest
Please view Hi-res since you probably can't see the whole thing in the preview. Stars were made with noise, blur, levels, and outer glow. Shooting star made with a star shaped stock brush. It's tail was a filled triangle with motion blur and Gaussian blur. Camera strap was masked out, pasted back i...
For: color negative film contest
Guardian of the Skies. The ramp source has been OK'd by Rob. A couple of the images are in a Gallery, so I put down their gallery numbers. SBS has been updated to reflect changes.
For: make it fly contest
All source except for a texture. See SBS. Background was just Color Fill layers and Brushing.
For: bang contest