Pirate on the High Seas

For: floating islands 2019 contest
A funeral for a fallen knight.
Made only with source and a texture. Use brushing techniques from here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrugGqwwLlM
Composited from 11 sources. Wizard is made form 3 Wizards. Check out the SBS to see how it was made. additional source: https://www.deviantart.com/furlined/art/Sleeping-Arctic-Wolf-Stock-20130401-1-562834949 Wolf - FurLined
For: dark surealism 2019 contest
A heavy composite with a lot of lighting effects. Please view in full screen to see it better.
Made from source and two cloud images.
For: doorknocker contest
Made entirely from source, even the ground and mountains, except little girl. See SBS.
A heavy composite. Check out SBS. Was amazed I could even do this one. **MODS** I sent out a mod email as well as messaged Rob that I was given permission to use the dwarf image. I showed an email screenshot. Source image for Dwarf http://www.asmustoys.com/GM07.jpg
For: dwarves contest
Made entirely from source image.
For: poseidon contest
Please view Hi-Res. This blurry previews does this Photoshop no justice. Thank you.
For: star villa contest
Dinosaur Castle...
For: impossible reality 2018 contest
More sources - https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/en/view-image.php?image=627&picture=black-cow cow - Petr Kratochvil https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dole_eating_grass.jpg horse - HaXXa https://www.deviantart.com/pixelstains/art/3-Particle-Brushes-for-Photoshop-517711672 Particle ...
For: going underground contest
The neck, body and tail is the paintbrush. So is his hair. The rest is external sources.
For: brush contest
Made from the Star and a texture. Check out the SBS to see how it was made. I included two images that were used for reference. Not one pixel from these reference images were used. Only the Star and texture were used.
Balloon made entirely from the drum. Lots of Warp and Copy/Paste. Used PS's built in Flame Filter for the fire. Painted clouds with a custom brush using Brush Settings. Added man and woman.
Death of a Mermaid
For: arch contest
Tinkerbell, Wendy Darling, and Captain Hook. This wasn't easy... https://www.flickr.com/photos/dreamagicjp/2225392947/in/photostream/ Peter Pan - Keiichi Inoue
For: f*cked up fairy tales contest
Made entirely from source image. A 1955 "Oval Window" VW Bug.... made from a bug.
For: ladybugs contest
This was made with the Source Image only. Check out the SBS to see how it was made.
For: wheel contest