406 comments given:
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

very cool

(5 years and 3709 days ago)

avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

Very groovy, kinda reminds me of a story book. Nice job

(5 years and 3710 days ago)

avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

I get the greek vibe off it too, but shouldnt the break be on the waterline ? unless the wind broke it. Other than that.. nice image and good job

(5 years and 3710 days ago)

avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

lol, a new twist on automatic. nice job though

(5 years and 3711 days ago)

Race Alley
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

Whats Automn ?

(5 years and 3711 days ago)

Automn & Winter!
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

lol Keiley

(5 years and 3711 days ago)

Nut VS Pine Cone
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

The white horse on the left shoultnt really have a shine from it, its in the shade.

(5 years and 3711 days ago)

By The Creek
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

Whats the deal ?

(5 years and 3711 days ago)

avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

If i never see a reflection in a steel cup again... it will be to soon :P

(5 years and 3711 days ago)

coffee cup
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

regular swan giant cup giant bird ?or tiny swan regular cup regular bird ? Am afraid the title is the least of your probs with this. Good luck though

(5 years and 3711 days ago)

avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

Well I think it's pretty beautiful, needs more blood and guts and throw in some naked college honeys and it'll be perfect. Nice job

(5 years and 3713 days ago)

avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

not bad lol, water is kinda messed up to the right of the sting ray.

(5 years and 3716 days ago)

Sting Ray
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

Final result looks great, but isnt this a bit far fetched ?

(5 years and 3721 days ago)

avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

Thats a fine shoe you got there sailor

(5 years and 3721 days ago)

avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

nice idea

(5 years and 3722 days ago)

Breaking Point
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

Or "I changed the perspective" nice job

(5 years and 3725 days ago)

A delicate obscure Perspective
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

I feel like i wanna hate this, but i cant !! it's like ou could make any image from almost anything !!. Great vision and lovely result. Good lucck

(5 years and 3733 days ago)

Silver Swan
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

lol, yeah, snow pilled up. What object though ?

(5 years and 3733 days ago)

open plan
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

Nice image mate, Red parcell looks like a huge 4 pin atx connector thought LOL

(5 years and 3733 days ago)

Merry Christmas everybody :-)
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

Very nice entry, good luck mate .

(5 years and 3733 days ago)

Santa Snapped!
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

Thanks, I was waiting for that SBS LOL

(5 years and 3733 days ago)

Close up of Print.
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

I agree with the Kid, but you made a balls of the tree pot. Also, not a lot of manipulation here, any donkey can flip an image and the parcell looks terrible and the little sparky things on the floor dont have reflections and the fan... nice job thoughh

(5 years and 3733 days ago)

avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

LOL. I used to hate faries, thanks for bringing me back around

(5 years and 3733 days ago)

Ooops! Wrong tale....
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

Good idea, I suspect I know the tutorial you got it from, perhaps you should mention it. Water needs work, deer is outta place. good luck

(5 years and 3733 days ago)

avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

Nice image and nice idea, low rez looks better than the high. Did you stretch it or something ?

(5 years and 3750 days ago)

A Snowman
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

I find this quite annoying

(5 years and 3751 days ago)

avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

This was fun, thanks. Also nice work . Good luck mate

(5 years and 3756 days ago)

avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

Very nice piece, reminds me of the dunes and lake "ship entry" . Can't fault this, nice job

(5 years and 3756 days ago)

Tunnel Bridge
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

Loverly work

(5 years and 3756 days ago)

avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

You'd think butter wouldn't melt.

(5 years and 3760 days ago)

prayer beads
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

Hmmm, the pile of leaves is good. Everything else is red. GL

(5 years and 3769 days ago)

Fall Foliage
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

Northern Lights, All looks good apart from the flying saucers.

(5 years and 3771 days ago)

avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

Northern Lights, All looks good apart from the flying saucers.

(5 years and 3771 days ago)

avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

Sorry mate, it's been done to me 20+ times. Your sinkhole image is copyright. Underneath it says (C) not my image

(5 years and 3771 days ago)

avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

Nice pic, but the boaters look huge and the reflection is kinda unrealistic. Good luck

(5 years and 3773 days ago)

Catching The Rainbow
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:


(5 years and 3773 days ago)

avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

Nice hair

(5 years and 3773 days ago)

The Big Blue Gal
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

Nice work.

(5 years and 3773 days ago)

Tuff Last Hole
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

nice idea mate, not so original. I'm guessing you know the problems here ? around the tenticles and parts of the wings there are leftovers. Little hope of winning but it's taking part that counts . Best of luck

(5 years and 3784 days ago)

avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

Nice idea mate, little bit lazy perhaps not cutting the squares from the rotators, but good job otherwise. Whats that in the sky ?

(5 years and 3793 days ago)

Out of Place
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

lol good idea mate

(5 years and 3793 days ago)

World Mill Trade Centar
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

I love this - nice thinking , I agree the reflection gives it away, but you made me smile widely. Nice change

(5 years and 3818 days ago)

Car Trouble
avatar Barnacle
Barnacle says:

Excellent, nice work

(5 years and 3823 days ago)

The Gallery