A Day In Masai Mara

This cactus, though it's hard to see, has tiny strings attached to the spines it shoots at bugs and reels them back in to eat the bugs therefore making it a carnivorous plant :D
Thanks to thanks to ichiban-STOCK devart for the hand :D
For: grandpa contest
I dont expect to win with one, it's kinda messy, it's just for fun :D. I hope nobody gets offended by it.
For: fan penguins contest
Long after humans.. Thanks to Falln-Stock devart for the car.
For: life after people contest
This is my seconed entry on this, Great stock, i hope i did it justice. Thanks to AlzirrSwanheartStock for the Sunrise field. Thanks also to Shoofly-Stock for the horse and carrige, left tree and butterfly.
For: bridge contest
Two white horses running free over a bridge on an icey winters day. Credits to Chunga-Stock of Deviantart.com for horse on the right. Credits to kittykitty5150 of Deviantart.com for horse on the left. Credits to Stock-Nightmare of Deviantart.com for picture frame.
For: bridge contest