1106 comments given:
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

A really interesting photo, but not exactly centered. Can you re-crop?

(5 years and 2865 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Very awesome. That's definitely a balancing act. The colours are great.

(5 years and 2867 days ago)

Smoke, no Mirrors
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

I hope that he has sunscreen on! He looks very contented lying there.

(5 years and 2868 days ago)

must go
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Very beautiful, but looks very cold and stormy. I would like to go there on a warmer day.

(5 years and 2868 days ago)

arequipa peru
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Nice angles.

(5 years and 2869 days ago)

Absolute balance...
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Captivating.Hard to believe that everything can bend like that.

(5 years and 2869 days ago)

Balancing act
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Me, too.

(5 years and 2874 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

The difference in expression between the cheerful accordian player and then, as you scroll down, the strange, evil-looking puppet is a visual shock, and makes me look twice. You got my attention. great shot!

(5 years and 2874 days ago)

Puppet Master
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Can't tilt the other way or the bike would be lost. I normally have a problem with tilted angles, but somehow this suits the shot. looks great.

(5 years and 2874 days ago)

Golden Motorbike
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

I like the reflected colours. Hard to go wrong with a Harley.

(5 years and 2874 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

It looks like it's been ridden into the ground! What happened to the owner?

(5 years and 2874 days ago)

Turf bike
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

The eye, at least in Turkey, is to ward off evil. They are everywhere, even pinned on babies and hung on walls of establishments. The theory is, that the evil will be reflected back to the one bringing it. The eye is on constant guard against all evil, therefore is a good luck charm. This is why it is called the "Evil Eye", not because it is evil.

(5 years and 2874 days ago)

Evil eye
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Nature is better at complimentary colours than we can ever hope to be. Great shot.

(5 years and 2874 days ago)

Blue and Gold Macaw
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

You've been using your neutral density filter again! I love it!

(5 years and 2874 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

You can feel the mood. very well done.

(5 years and 2874 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Congratulations on your win. It was a great effort and a well deserved first place. It was interesting to watch the entries, even though I didn't qualify.

(5 years and 2877 days ago)

The gateway to graphic arts.
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Interesting effect and good colors.

(5 years and 2883 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Good scissor thought. I like it.

(5 years and 2883 days ago)

Rock Paper Scissors
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

These night shots are always so intriguing. very nice.

(5 years and 2887 days ago)

At the Night Time
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

I love night shots. There actually IS a light at the end of the tunnel!

(5 years and 2887 days ago)

Red carpet
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

A wonderful scene. My eye was lead around nicely. Good one.

(5 years and 2887 days ago)

Getting Home
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

I like the mood and the lighting in this one.

(5 years and 2887 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

She certainly is as frightful to look at as much as she looks frightened. Scary.

(5 years and 2889 days ago)

The Haunting
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

She looks like she doesn't want to be there, for sure.

(5 years and 2889 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Original thinking.

(5 years and 2890 days ago)

Ocean View
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Looks really sweet! Nice colors.

(5 years and 2891 days ago)

Easter Eggs This Year Are...
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Nice job. Clean, simple and beautiful.

(5 years and 2891 days ago)

waiting for the kids
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

That's a beautiful tradition as well as beautiful painted eggs.

(5 years and 2891 days ago)

Happy Easter!
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

I would have liked this even better with the eggs just in the grass, and without the out-of-focus bowl that grabbed my attention. Nice color contrasts.

(5 years and 2891 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Women without clothes have always received a lot of attention. Some things never change. Great shot, too!

(5 years and 2894 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Rusted, blurry and noisy. Not much of a perfect circle to me. Sorry.

(5 years and 2894 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Odd with such a precision instrument that the circle does not look round. Optical illusion?

(5 years and 2894 days ago)

Precision circle
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Makes it hot!

(5 years and 2895 days ago)

Put Out The Fire
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

It's unfortunate that she has a barn sticking out of her head. Sort of looks like a veil or train, perhaps? Great mood in the photo.

(5 years and 2895 days ago)

Crazy Little Thing Called Love
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Not very orange oranges. Is it the HDR or the oranges themselves? Not everywhere in the world has those genetically altered orange oranges that we get here at home.

(5 years and 2895 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Complete with seeds! I like it. Makes me thirsty.

(5 years and 2895 days ago)

Dropping Slice
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

You might have picked a fresh one. Or is there a hidden message that I'm missing?

(5 years and 2895 days ago)

A lemon
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

It's a toxic idea. I hope that they cleaned up the mess!.

(5 years and 2895 days ago)

Haz-Mat Spill
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

A white balance adjustment to get rid of some of the blue tones would warm up the photo considerably. Jolly looking old guy. I guess that you should be jolly to do such a job.

(5 years and 2896 days ago)

Historical Interpreter
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Brilliant! Obviously thought provoking. Evil. Captivating.
I sympathize with some of the points raised but we are in a generation of CSI and the evening news.
We are drawn to evil. That is why this image captures emotion. I think it is an amazing entry.

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

The road to hell...
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Maybe they put it out already?

(5 years and 2901 days ago)

Put Out The Fire
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Too bad that there is no fire!

(5 years and 2901 days ago)

Put Out The Fire
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:


(5 years and 2901 days ago)

6s of my life
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:


(5 years and 2901 days ago)

Typing it daily
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Why only one shot? Did you eat the results?

(5 years and 2902 days ago)

Completely INNOCENT!
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

I also "get" boats and sea as being a "friendship". (No pun intended.)

(5 years and 2903 days ago)

ship and sea
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Yes, it was the horizon line on the right. It is fixed now and doesn't grab my attention any more. The lines of the pier and the lighthouse now predominate.

(5 years and 2903 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Nicely done! Is that Victoria Harbor?
I do have a little thing about crooked horizons on sea shots, unless intentional?

(5 years and 2904 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

The dark object is part of the framing effect, to my eye. i would lose a little sky, if anything at all. Very dramatic and inspiring.

(5 years and 2904 days ago)

Morning bolts
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

It is difficult to make a really interesting photo out of this subject. I would say that you have done it! I love photos that have a sense of humor and make me look twice.

(5 years and 2908 days ago)

hello in there !!