1106 comments given:
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Textures are wonderful.

(5 years and 1592 days ago)

THE Book
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

This one makes you think. Well done!

(5 years and 1592 days ago)

Paper Tiger
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Unfortunately, they so often get reduced to Readers Digest and Pulp Novels. Now we have e-books, so I wonder how long these libraries will continue to exist?

(5 years and 1592 days ago)

Free Library
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

The broken glasses are an interesting, inspired touch.

(5 years and 1592 days ago)

Time Enough at Last!
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Nope. In the twenty four hour clock, 16:18 is 4:18PM

(5 years and 1598 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

DOF is great.

(5 years and 1598 days ago)

Color of the fall...
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

It's hard to imagine that there was once a whole castle on that spot.

(5 years and 1599 days ago)

Doonagore Tower, Doolin (Ireland)
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Not to be nit-picky, but isn't it 17:18?

(5 years and 1599 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

I like the mood here. Nice capture with the sun. Looks a little polluted here? The price we pay for power. Time to change that.

(5 years and 1599 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Hmmm. I see yellow, not red. Just curious about the title.

(5 years and 1599 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Eye catching. Wonderful idea for the theme.

(5 years and 1599 days ago)

Seeing Color
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Nicely done. It is indeed a strange world for mushrooms.

(5 years and 1604 days ago)

World of Mushrooms
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Simply appealing.

(5 years and 1606 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Beautiful capture.

(5 years and 1606 days ago)

end of the day
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Oh no, of course not! Hopefully you will take the comments as helpful suggestions and not as mean criticism. The intention here is to encourage photography, not to discourage it. The great learning tool of this site is the ability to see where your entry scores after all of the votes are in. This gives you an idea of the quality of your photo (judged by the peer group and not by the so-called "experts"and to learn from those photos that place higher. I have learned a lot by challenging myself to improve. Please don't take offense. Not intended. I did not know that it was your first entry. Welcome.

(5 years and 1606 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

I really want to know what's down that road. Very nice shot.

(5 years and 1606 days ago)

Into the Darkness
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Perspective is great. Nice angles.

(5 years and 1606 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Whoa! Did you get any sleep? How many photos in this composite?

(5 years and 1606 days ago)

Aurora Borealis
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Nice cliche. Great pot.

(5 years and 1606 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

I think that you are supposed to grind the coffee beans first, then add hot water. Goes better with the Oreo. Maybe I've been doing it all wrong!

(5 years and 1606 days ago)

coffee time
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Also a pair of pears and a spare pear.

(5 years and 1606 days ago)

Apples & Pears
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Grandma would not approve, but it is a still life with a message. Well done.

(5 years and 1606 days ago)

Sterile Fruit Bowl
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

My eye is also distracted by the crooked ocean horizon instead of the subject.

(5 years and 1606 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Interesting angles. Quite different.

(5 years and 1606 days ago)

Entry number 92381
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Nice action.

(5 years and 1606 days ago)

Jumping the wake
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

You can see the pain. Great capture.

(5 years and 1606 days ago)

and the winner is....
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Love the expression.

(5 years and 1613 days ago)

Entry number 92247
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Love the bright colours.

(5 years and 1613 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

This is really beautiful. Much prettier than bugs and really mesmerizing.

(5 years and 1619 days ago)

Rose petals
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

The red contrasts beautifully against the sky.

(5 years and 1620 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

What a great subject. Nicely done.

(5 years and 1620 days ago)

Night Light
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

What a lot of bells and whistles! Interesting shot.

(5 years and 1620 days ago)

Ready to fly
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

I don't see white here either, but it is an amazing moon shot. What lens did you take this with?

(5 years and 1620 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

I wish that the entire reflection of the animals could be seen.

(5 years and 1620 days ago)

nice bag
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Exceptional. The rough texture on the walls contrasts nicely with the smooth metallic lines.

(5 years and 1622 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Everybody hated the idea of putting a fence on the breakwater, but it's design does make for some very nice photography lines. Hard to miss where this is. Nicely done.

(5 years and 1622 days ago)

Early morning
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

The overhead lines add an interesting dimension.

(5 years and 1622 days ago)

train station
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

You don't see many like that around. Looks good with the HDR treatment.

(5 years and 1624 days ago)

Fancy Truck
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

So good in black and white. Love the lines.

(5 years and 1633 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Too much information! Gives me the creepy crawlies, but on theme, for sure.

(5 years and 1633 days ago)

Need a wee ?
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

I love a photo that tells a story. Makes me wonder, "What happened?"

(5 years and 1633 days ago)

Abandoned Restoration
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Which one is the photographer?

Thanks to all of you who have devoted their time and energy to keeping the club alive.

(5 years and 1634 days ago)

One of my best friends and I
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

It must be nice to have all those "toys" to play with! Oh, sorry, we weren't supposed to look!
Greetings from British Columbia.

(5 years and 1634 days ago)

Hi Everyone.
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Really, really wonderful mood.

(5 years and 2260 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

The King of Pxleyes! Congratulations!

(5 years and 2270 days ago)

upside down building
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Keep in mind, though, that with a wide angle lens, the minute that you tilt upwards or downwards and do not have the camera on the same plane as your eye, the lines begin to converge more and more at the edges. Sometimes you want this effect, sometimes you don't.

(5 years and 2286 days ago)

Little church
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

What am I missing?
Plastic world?

(5 years and 2290 days ago)

Insectozoïds planet
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

We should be able to communicate with them because they use the same type of numbers as we do.

(5 years and 2290 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Beam me up, Scotty! Very cool.

(5 years and 2290 days ago)

Time Traveler
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Nice exposure.

(5 years and 2291 days ago)

A better spot to observe the chaos!