1106 comments given:
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Good one.

(5 years and 2338 days ago)

Real - Toy, Black - White, Big - Small
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Not me, thanks very much. I took a short fire fighting course and the thing that I learned the most was to stay as far away from fire as you can and take every precaution not to let it happen in the first place! I admire those with the bravery to stand up against such a force. Congratulations on your work and your photo.

(5 years and 2346 days ago)

Making entry
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Simple and very effective. Nice one.

(5 years and 2346 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

The star burst and silhouettes give this a surreal feeling.

(5 years and 2346 days ago)

Hot Mud Geysers
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Wow! Colourful pollution! What next? Good find.

(5 years and 2346 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Nicely done. Smoke is tricky, but beautiful.

(5 years and 2346 days ago)

Blue smoke
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Aren't the firefighters supposed to be putting the fire out instead of standing around watching it burn?
Good fire photo.

(5 years and 2346 days ago)

Bad News
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Nice detail and clarity.

(5 years and 2351 days ago)

for the smallest one...
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Inspiration for?? I suppose bartender skills is a form of art.

(5 years and 2351 days ago)

Shaken, not stirred
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

My only question is, "Are these branches dead or just seasonally without leaves?"

(5 years and 2351 days ago)

Dead Branches
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

My screen looks all bumpy! Wonderful capture of the weave pattern.

(5 years and 2353 days ago)

Checked Weaving
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

I know that the subject is supposed to be the checks, but I really like the peeling paint. Good find.

(5 years and 2353 days ago)

Check the Windows & Doors
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

I didn't see the first one, but this one is exceptional. The angle works very well here.

(5 years and 2353 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Love that purple!

(5 years and 2353 days ago)

Violet Translucence
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

You can almost feel the glass crystals. Good focus and DOF.

(5 years and 2353 days ago)

Red and white checks
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Very nice. I like the texture in the leather.

(5 years and 2353 days ago)

Board Game
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Frozen motion. Very nice. What shutter speed did you use on this one?

(5 years and 2356 days ago)

summer sun and fun
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Lots of motion going on there. Nice capture.

(5 years and 2356 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

I would have cropped out most of the flared out window and the blurry person on the right. This would have put more focus on your subject and less on the distracting chaos.

(5 years and 2356 days ago)

Entry number 88998
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

It's unfortunate that she has a plastic bag stuck on top of her head because I like this one very much.

(5 years and 2356 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

You have a big truck!

(5 years and 2357 days ago)

My day job...
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Is it you that is abnormal or the suit? Good question, perhaps?

(5 years and 2357 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Always nice to put a face to the avatar. Good portrait.

(5 years and 2357 days ago)

I am
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

You look like how I feel in front of the camera, like a deer caught in the headlights. Photo is full of character.

(5 years and 2357 days ago)

Hello self
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:


(5 years and 2357 days ago)

A good project for a wet Saturday
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

And what do you look like on a bad day? Very funny.

(5 years and 2357 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Wild and weird.

(5 years and 2357 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Congratulations. Fine photo.

(5 years and 2358 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

On my screen, it would be much better if it was brightened up a little. Nice pan.

(5 years and 2359 days ago)

just quick
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

You should take better care of your flowers!

(5 years and 2360 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Wonderful take on the theme. Great lighting idea.

(5 years and 2360 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

I like this blue, too.

(5 years and 2360 days ago)

I like Blue
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Simple and elegant.

(5 years and 2360 days ago)

Bud Vase
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

I think that I would have preferred this one without the flowers, since it is a vase contest, because the strange flowers draw the attention away from the very odd (but interesting)vase. Nice find and nicely photographed.

(5 years and 2360 days ago)

Evil Flowers
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Not suggesting that it was against the rules, just that the colours are very unusual.

(5 years and 2362 days ago)

Warped Philadelphia
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

There is something about this one that catches your attention.. Very different and interesting.

(5 years and 2362 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

It's too late now because we are into voting, but did you know that you can modify and replace your entry any time up until the contest closes for entries? Go to My profile/my entries, and there you will see your current entries. That is where you can make the changes.

Crooked horizons are really noticeable in these type of shots.

(5 years and 2362 days ago)

reflection on the pond
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

The colours do not look real, so that leaves me wondering what you have done in processing? This is a wonderful photo in any shade, but true to life?

(5 years and 2362 days ago)

Warped Philadelphia
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

I really like this one. Very different and appealing.

(5 years and 2362 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Strange shot. Supposed to be abstract?

(5 years and 2362 days ago)

In mirror
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Fog is only lovely if you are just looking at it and not out on the water in it. Good shot.

(5 years and 2362 days ago)

Lonely Morning at the Dock
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

I can see every feather. Good exposure and DOF.

(5 years and 2362 days ago)

get off of my balcony....
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Nice one. I like the perspective. Great focus on the eye.

(5 years and 2362 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

I wouldn't mind being in front of the camera if I looked like that! Sigh!
Lovely portrait.

(5 years and 2364 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

One of the world's most famous photographers (I'm old so I forget his name.) always had the top of the heads cut of in his famous portraits. Puts more focus on the eyes, perhaps?

(5 years and 2364 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Very pretty, but unfortunately OOF

(5 years and 2364 days ago)

Stained glass
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

I'm surprised that it hasn't ended up at the wreckers yet. It looks a little worse for wear. Good find.

(5 years and 2364 days ago)

Corgi Toy Car
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Great composition. A basketful of memories. Nicely done.

(5 years and 2364 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

I, too, like the angle and the lighting.

(5 years and 2364 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Lovely exposure and clarity.

(5 years and 2364 days ago)

Jack is Back