
For: going low 2 contest
Set up a watch and two lights in a dark bathroom, then took a 3 min exposure.
For: ko photo tournament contest
After spritzing my seedlings with some mist, I took my +10 macro screw-on filter and found a little drop that was refracting and inverting the small seedling in the background.
For: all wet 2 contest
Some water drop on a Lupine leaf after a midday sprinkle.
For: all wet 2 contest
This one may be a stretch. Blue Flax is an often-planted garden plant, but its invasive, self-seeding habit makes it very hard to control. The one was definitely out of place, having colonized a vegetable bed. Soon after, we tried to eradicate it from the yard; despite its pretty flowers, it just...
For: weeds 2 contest
This plant seems to be a relative of the strawberry, which could probably be considered an invasive weed on their own, but they don't produce any nice fruit! They invade my tomato and pepper beds by underground runners. Grumble. At least the morning dew was beautiful, seeming to find its way perf...
For: weeds 2 contest
Butterflyweed growing rampant along a suburban pond.
For: weeds 2 contest
An early morning dog walk.
I have always loved how, at dawn and dusk, the sky changes from light to dark, while the clouds gradually change from silhouettes to positive images. It's one of my favorites times of the day.
A couple of young honeycrisp apples mirror the rainbow after a short rainfall.