1 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar erathion
erathion says:

Great work author...gl

(5 years and 3318 days ago)

Disco de vinil
avatar greymval
greymval says:

Autor, você pode usar o Google Translate, se você não é bom em Inglês, seria mais fácil para todos.

Author, you can use Google translate (http://translate.google.com) , if you're not good in english, it would be easier for everybody.

Try it on this:
The image is nice but the symmentry makes it dull, you could use different notes on one side to make this more creative. Good luck.

(5 years and 3320 days ago)

Disco de vinil
avatar MnMCarta
MnMCarta says:

this looks kinda painful yet VERY creative. Nice work L

(5 years and 3321 days ago)

Disco de vinil
avatar jacquie2blue

wow... am I talking with a Brazilian guy?
Just a little correction: "a onde" = aonde is just one word...

"Entrada" is a feminine word: so you would use: ESTA é uma entrada.
You used correctly the word "criativa" all the words finished with A are feminine...

"a onde ele lê" would be better this way: aonde VOCÊ lê...

"editam" is a plural word for edit... so you would use: EDITE a entrada...

just some few corrections... very little... you are being good... you should have classes with me...

about the entry: very very very creative... loved it...

(5 years and 3322 days ago)

Disco de vinil
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Isto é uma entrada muito criativa! Isto é um uso excelente da imagem de fonte! Boa sorte para você!

Você pode editar a sua entrada por ir a onde ele lê "o meu material" e somente clicar "editam a entrada" para fixar os nomes das suas conexões.

(5 years and 3323 days ago)

Disco de vinil
avatar solkee
solkee says:

Agree with arca.

(5 years and 3330 days ago)

Voltando pro lar
avatar arca
arca says:

Good image .... Sorry this comment is late ... I know you can't do anything now but .... for next time ... it would have added to the realism if you had a few of the blades of grass in front the ants (or at least some of them). Would have helped to add depth.

(5 years and 3331 days ago)

Voltando pro lar
avatar erathion
erathion says:

hahahahaha...cool work author...they look like scout unit...

(5 years and 3334 days ago)

Voltando pro lar
avatar zorro13
zorro13 says:

the cloats can be fixed using the smudge tool, clicking-and-drag.

(5 years and 3384 days ago)

avatar Nickk
Nickk says:

Haha hilarious :P !
Agree with Akassa though ..

(5 years and 3384 days ago)

avatar Akassa
Akassa says:

You need to add a stone/rock texture to make the squirrel look like a statue, it looks pretty real right now.

(5 years and 3384 days ago)

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

It's an Asian Marilyn Manson

(5 years and 3385 days ago)

Comendo macarrão
avatar JPDesigns
JPDesigns says:

I agree with JStaes. I have to say, unfortunately that took away from the image. But just work a bit more on that for future images, and try to find trees that will better match the image you are working with, lighting-wise. Also a trick that I use when I can't cut the edges of trees out good enough, I make a brush using the type of leaves that are on the trees, and I paint around the edges and play with the colors and blending modes to make it look a little more realistic.

(5 years and 3386 days ago)

Cavalo alado
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

i agree with cmyk. and your fairy could have been better blended in to the background.

(5 years and 3387 days ago)

Casa da Fada
avatar Disco
Disco says:

Yes, that is a very good idea! Good thinking!

(5 years and 3387 days ago)

no avatar
Keiley22 says:

good idea, but the images aren't blending. The merry go round just looks cut and paste at the moment.
Try playing with the lighting as well a bit

(5 years and 3388 days ago)

avatar JStaes
JStaes says:

I agree with MossyB. If you cant get the trees right, you better leave them out of this picture.

(5 years and 3388 days ago)

Cavalo alado
avatar digitalpharaoh

Pasta looks a tad...odd. Chopsticks look out of place. The idea is good.

(5 years and 3389 days ago)

Macarrão Japones
avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

The trees looks terribly cut and paste, since the dark in between the trees does not match the clear sunny sky around them, and the shape is too smooth and does not look like real trees, which are very irregular in profile...

(5 years and 3390 days ago)

Cavalo alado
avatar Alan2641
Alan2641 says:

nice idea -- would look for a higher res background so you can get a clearer chop

(5 years and 3390 days ago)

Cavalo alado
avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

The woman's skin tone is too cool and blue looking, while the pasta is too warm toned. I'd suggest warming the skin tones with a warming filter layer.

(5 years and 3391 days ago)

Comendo macarrão
avatar donarkz
donarkz says:

woooo.. you better watch your steps.. btw its nice.. GL

(5 years and 3391 days ago)

Casa da Fada
avatar Lamantine
Lamantine says:

Not bad. I think the pasta is a bit distorted though. I would suggest resizing it using the transform tool by holding the shift key. GL !

(Não mal. Penso que a massa é um bocado alterada embora. Eu aconselharia alterar o tamanho dele usando o instrumento transformar mantendo a chave de turno.)

(5 years and 3391 days ago)

Macarrão Japones
avatar junkieball

Good idea agree with cmyk46 about the chop sticks. They are floating a shadow will make them look more natural in the image. Good entry.

(5 years and 3392 days ago)

Macarrão Japones
avatar lespaul11
lespaul11 says:

They look al dente. a lot!

(5 years and 3393 days ago)

Macarrão Japones
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

I use this for translations, Dan.


(5 years and 3393 days ago)

Macarrão Japones
avatar DanLundberg

Very creative and fun concept, but the chopsticks are too small (and need a shadow as CMYK46 noted). [I'm afraid my português is very weak so I can't provide a translation like CMYK46 did. .]

(5 years and 3394 days ago)

Macarrão Japones
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Chopsticks need a shadow also. (Pauzinhos precisa de uma sombra também.).

(5 years and 3394 days ago)

Macarrão Japones
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

The stump looks like it's floating. (O coto parece que está flutuando.)

(5 years and 3394 days ago)

Casa da Fada