149 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar JPDesigns
JPDesigns says:

Simple but believable. I like it

(5 years and 3642 days ago)

A $1010 calculator...
avatar cabldawg71

lol should be gold and a few emeralds for that price good luck Author

(5 years and 3643 days ago)

A $1010 calculator...
avatar ricky777
ricky777 says:

pricey! lol

(5 years and 3644 days ago)

A $1010 calculator...
avatar DigitalDreamer

lol fun idea

(5 years and 3645 days ago)

A $1010 calculator...
avatar PixelWhisperer


(5 years and 3645 days ago)

A $1010 calculator...
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

I didn't want a calculator like this...

(5 years and 3646 days ago)

A $1010 calculator...
avatar erathion
erathion says:

Very nice idea...gl author

(5 years and 3646 days ago)

A $1010 calculator...
no avatar

i agree there could have been some artistic changes to the head. like the fire concept.

(5 years and 3753 days ago)

Hot glass...
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Making the head on fire would have been a better match to the rest of the image.

(5 years and 3754 days ago)

Hot glass...
avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

The man looks awfully familiar Nice job author!

(5 years and 3759 days ago)

Hot glass...
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

I think this would be better if the head was much less opaque & more ghostly...

(5 years and 3761 days ago)

Hot glass...
no avatar
maXed says:

why the head? still don't understand.. Go without it or put something else in it .. would look better i think

(5 years and 3761 days ago)

Hot glass...
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

I like the Tales from the DARKSIDE feel in this one.. good luck

(5 years and 3886 days ago)

Still chasing butterflies!
avatar Tuckinator


(5 years and 3887 days ago)

Still chasing butterflies!
avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

nice colors, yes ponti those teeth are great!...that butterfly adds a nice touch IMO

(5 years and 3887 days ago)

Still chasing butterflies!
avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

xD those teeth

(5 years and 3888 days ago)

Still chasing butterflies!
avatar OliviasArts

dont worry about it author, for those of us that check sources used, we can see that nothing is changed on it

(5 years and 3888 days ago)

How does he do that?!
avatar Christy
Christy says:

The rodent is very good!! Work the train some more...Good Luck

(5 years and 3889 days ago)

How does he do that?!
avatar OliviasArts

@ Arknecheeze.. of course it could work, it would have worked lol... look at photo on sxc, its a real steam engine of the past lol

(5 years and 3889 days ago)

How does he do that?!
avatar Tuckinator

im not sure if the pespective on the wheels is right but the image rocks!

(5 years and 3889 days ago)

How does he do that?!
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

super high marks.. and you are a nutball

YOU???.. not a nutball..your a whole bag of Pistachios

(5 years and 3889 days ago)

How does he do that?!
avatar nemanja
nemanja says:

nice work...

(5 years and 3890 days ago)

How does he do that?!
avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:


(5 years and 3890 days ago)

How does he do that?!
avatar arkncheeze

Thats cool... It looks like it could work...

Edit: @Oliviasarts :-P I know... Just kidding around...

(5 years and 3890 days ago)

How does he do that?!
avatar fille
fille says:

too hard rhythm picture is fuzzy!

(5 years and 3908 days ago)

By the bonfire...
avatar Happy14U
Happy14U says:

I think the guy on left is ready to start on fire...

(5 years and 3908 days ago)

By the bonfire...
avatar orientallad

nice idea, good job

(5 years and 3910 days ago)

By the bonfire...
avatar chakra1985

very nice

(5 years and 3910 days ago)

By the bonfire...
avatar elficho
elficho says:

nice idea. nice mood i think you put maybe a bit too much grain on the two guys. and those shekeres (? ) are too sharp i think.

(5 years and 3911 days ago)

By the bonfire...
avatar gopankarichal

good idea. In the high res view some cutout issues are there(head area), and in picture clarity difference is there(background is clean and people picture full noise) correct it.

(5 years and 3911 days ago)

By the bonfire...
avatar Tuckinator


(5 years and 3911 days ago)

By the bonfire...
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

I know your source pic was grainy to begin with...if you had added some film grain to the other pics and blurred the fire a bit, you could have unified the look.

(5 years and 3911 days ago)

By the bonfire...
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

very nice work.. your source pic is lacking in resolution but good capture.. you may want to clean up the work around the younger man's head (the back drum should match the blur of the other drums in order to complete the perspective).. but it's a very good concept.. good luck(the shekere thingies are really cool, never saw those before.. LOVE THEM)

(5 years and 3911 days ago)

By the bonfire...
avatar Tuckinator

lol hilarious lol

(5 years and 3916 days ago)

Honey, I got fried chicken!
avatar Stoli4naq
Stoli4naq says:

P.S> GolemAura, that aint no Santa, that's an ELF lol

(5 years and 3916 days ago)

Honey, I got fried chicken!
avatar Stoli4naq
Stoli4naq says:

Haha love the idea of this one!!!

(5 years and 3916 days ago)

Honey, I got fried chicken!
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

you are coo coo banana's author.. Santa? Cooking Chicken??? Outside???.. hehehehe.. wonderfully weird

EDIT: YOU?!?!?!?!?! never would have guessed in a million years LOLOLOL.. it's even funnier NOW LOLOLOL

(5 years and 3916 days ago)

Honey, I got fried chicken!
avatar genuine2009


(5 years and 3916 days ago)

Save the ozone layer...
avatar TheWinningStar

nice idea ... GOOD LUCK

(5 years and 3916 days ago)

Honey, I got fried chicken!
avatar gopankarichal

very nice. GL

(5 years and 3916 days ago)

Honey, I got fried chicken!
avatar pingenvy
pingenvy says:

There are some nice persuasive poster designs here, but so far this is the only entry that's on the theme.

(5 years and 3916 days ago)

Save the ozone layer...
avatar akasha
akasha says:

what is this machine doing? is it cleaning, producing or expanding the ozone layer?

(5 years and 3917 days ago)

Save the ozone layer...
avatar chakra1985

very nice

(5 years and 3919 days ago)

Save the ozone layer...
avatar dreamdriven


(5 years and 3920 days ago)

Save the ozone layer...
avatar gopankarichal

good thought

(5 years and 3920 days ago)

Save the ozone layer...
avatar Tuckinator

(5 years and 3921 days ago)

Save the ozone layer...
avatar OliviasArts

why cant you swim??? and @ Golem, why did you have ozone day, and why did the rabbits die lol... im in australia and so long as we put on sunscreen we run around outside 10 hours a day lol

(5 years and 3921 days ago)

Save the ozone layer...
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

hehehehehehe.. this is very on theme author.. I remember when I was a kid we had an ozone day and all the pet rabbits died.. a puncture in the ozone killed all the domestic animals in a tiny area about 100 miles from my house.. scared me to death.. dern fluorocarbons.. nice on theme entry.. CUTE

(5 years and 3922 days ago)

Save the ozone layer...
avatar FairyGardens

cute congratulations!

(5 years and 3927 days ago)

Veggie butterfly
avatar ReapRevenge
ReapRevenge [banned] says:

Good idea

(5 years and 3928 days ago)

Ohhh Nooo!!!!