3 comments given:
avatar BougRem
BougRem says:

Congratulations with the win!
Your work is now featured on Bouguereau Remastered: http://www.bouguereau.net/
Permalink: http://www.bouguereau.net/a-sombre-recreation-of-bouguereaus-innocence/

(5 years and 3509 days ago)

avatar BougRem
BougRem says:

This is absolutely fantastic. Please allow me to feature this on Bouguereau Remastered: http://www.bouguereau.net/
Email: romke [at] bouguereau [dot] net

(5 years and 3514 days ago)

avatar BougRem
BougRem says:

Brillant -- it's now featured on Bouguereau Remastered (http://www.bouguereau.net/)

(5 years and 3749 days ago)

Bouguereau Reborn