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Please post source link...
(5 years and 3803 days ago)Planes are kinda small...high res would be good...
(5 years and 3803 days ago)Compare to source pic...head is distorted...
(5 years and 3803 days ago)Grandma's really distorted, too...
(5 years and 3803 days ago)The tile lines don't match the contours of the face...
(5 years and 3804 days ago)How about some source links?
(5 years and 3804 days ago)Pretty good work, although a displacement map on the head & neck would have produced better results and the area around the butt crack is vague...
(5 years and 3804 days ago)ROFL...FingerHenge
(5 years and 3804 days ago)I agree...you have plenty of time to use the highest res source pic & resubmit...it's a good idea.
(5 years and 3804 days ago)Good choice of source pic...it looks great with everything else desaturated! (I especially like the band-aid on the elbow, there's such a great kid vibe to that).
(5 years and 3804 days ago)I see a lotta color...
(5 years and 3804 days ago)Too much blur on back of top part of building...
(5 years and 3804 days ago)Good mood...
(5 years and 3804 days ago)Looks like she's standing in front of the light, not in it...
(5 years and 3804 days ago)NO...no, no, no, no...
(5 years and 3805 days ago)NO...no, no, no, no nooooooo
(5 years and 3805 days ago)Nice...I remember this! One suggestion: put some of the brass studs on the shoulders...
(5 years and 3805 days ago)Nice, but needs shading...
(5 years and 3806 days ago)This is a great idea, but the masking on the eyeballs is terrible. Try getting the edges better and you'll have something!
(5 years and 3806 days ago)Shadows need work...stuff is floating...seagulls & shells in a desert?
(5 years and 3806 days ago)Interesting idea...left edge of finger needs a bit of work...
(5 years and 3806 days ago)Great idea, and great color work!
(5 years and 3806 days ago)"You can only color ONE thing."
(5 years and 3806 days ago)What's the stuff on the arms? No ripples in the water?
(5 years and 3806 days ago)Good image choice, nice crop! Background might be just a tad lighter...

(5 years and 3807 days ago)PS: Author, it's a caterpillar, not a grub, and if you don't mind, could you PM me and tell me what it's feeding on, if you know? I don't think I've ever seen that plant, and I'm sort of an amateur plant/insect freak.
A little disjointed, but interesting...
(5 years and 3807 days ago)Nice, but I don't get the title...
(5 years and 3807 days ago)This is excellent craziness...great imagination!
(5 years and 3807 days ago)Really good work! The masking on the leaves is kinda blurry and I don't get why you chose to obliterate the front door on the shack, but that's just nitpicking...you've told a great story here!
(5 years and 3807 days ago)Way too funny!! Good blend, too...maybe blur the edges a bit.

(5 years and 3807 days ago)Good idea and execution...you missed a few, but high vote anyway!

(5 years and 3807 days ago)Nice work on the face, and good mood, but conflicting light sources...
(5 years and 3807 days ago)Good work on the figure! You might want to blur the sharp edges & consider changing the value of the background so he pops more...
(5 years and 3807 days ago)"You can only color ONE thing..."
(5 years and 3807 days ago)Actually it's not perfect...the bar on top of the glasses is behind the lens on the right and in front of the lens on the left.
(5 years and 3808 days ago)LOL...not another one...well, it's not bad.
(5 years and 3808 days ago)Nice idea, especially on the domes, and good SBS. The attachment of the white part of the stern is a bit awkward in high res, but good work over all...

(5 years and 3808 days ago)I see...you cloned out the umbrellas...I thought you just used the beach from the other source at first. That was good work. The shadow is still wrong.
(5 years and 3808 days ago)Looks great to me!
(5 years and 3808 days ago)Shadow needs to be lighter & blurred...post source link for background.
(5 years and 3808 days ago)The figures are great, and so is your idea...but the first thing I noticed is the perspective on the joints in the floor of the bridge is off...my eye went right to it. Otherwise this is a righteous image indeed.
(5 years and 3809 days ago)LOL...nice sunburned penguin!
(5 years and 3809 days ago)Well done, but why isn't he holding the umbrella? Might have been more effective if he was holding it and acid rain had eaten a few holes in it...still, nice image.
(5 years and 3809 days ago)This looks way better now!
(5 years and 3809 days ago)Strings should be tight if they're holding up 2 boys and a bike...
(5 years and 3809 days ago)It would be nice if the wheels had some dimension & they were attached to the axles...
(5 years and 3809 days ago)Edit: Lookin' better...
Great imagination! I would have made the cloudy backround more blue to create depth...right now you have the same values in foreground, middle ground & background. Create some depth and this will be great!

(5 years and 3809 days ago)Where's the source? That little sliver of ocean? (Shadow of gull in upper left is wrong...).
(5 years and 3809 days ago)Funny, but there wouldn't be a shadow at the top of the trunk...
(5 years and 3809 days ago)A lot of work for not much result...the glowing aura would be reflected in the water...
(5 years and 3809 days ago)