9122 comments given:
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Nice job blending the background images...to me, her colors seem too bright for the lighting, but good work over all.

(5 years and 3883 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Bloody awful. (Meant in the kindest way, of course...).

(5 years and 3884 days ago)

Bloody wedding
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Ummm...where's the dance? Where's the rain?

(5 years and 3884 days ago)

indian rain dance
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

If you've ever been around beehives you'd know she's a bit small...fix that and you'll have a better pic.

(5 years and 3884 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

nd she's definitely floating...The addition of the tree is good, but she's WAY too small,

(5 years and 3884 days ago)

Magnificent hour
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Background is more saturated than foreground, Fix that and this could be really good...

(5 years and 3884 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

If you hate them, why make another one?

(5 years and 3884 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

So you upped the levels and pasted a bunch of Indians...big deal.

(5 years and 3884 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Bricks are badly re-aligned on the right side, with extra vertical seams, and the Gucci logo in the large window is now illegible...

(5 years and 3884 days ago)

Perspective Changed
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Good except for symmetrical tree duplication...

(5 years and 3884 days ago)

Snowman.........no man
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Good idea but way too blurry...

EDIT: Looks better to me now.

(5 years and 3884 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Good idea, but flip the body to match the light source...

(5 years and 3884 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Shadows are wrong...they should start from the front edge of the bags...

(5 years and 3884 days ago)

after shopping
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Great drawing...good luck!

(5 years and 3884 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

The edges of the egg and the arms of the glasses are pretty bad, but it's funny.
EDIT: Aha...a whole new one! I liked the old one better, but this isn't bad...good luck!

(5 years and 3884 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Sweet pic! I know chickadees & sunflowers too, and I would have made him a bit bigger. Still gets a high vote from me...

(5 years and 3885 days ago)

Ready to Pick One
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Looks very good! Blending on feet could be better, but it's still a nice job!

(5 years and 3885 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

They are sweet indeed...just give them left arms...

(5 years and 3885 days ago)

Seed Dance
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Could use some refining on edges, but good thinking & well done!

(5 years and 3885 days ago)

Winter Time
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Hey, nice! I'd like this even if it wasn't me......but fix the right edge of the head, it's all choppy like.

(5 years and 3885 days ago)

Similar but different...
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Foreground brushes look phony...the rest of this is really great!

(5 years and 3885 days ago)

Delicate Flower
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Looks really good! One small thing: I would have put the orange graffiti lower down...nobody could reach that high! Nice job.

(5 years and 3885 days ago)

Gucci, The Future?
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Legs are pretty thick & edges too sharp...otherwise an interesting image...

(5 years and 3885 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

LOL...I'll be even more anal: If you want to have the light on in the building, you'd be better off without the phony looking light beam.

(5 years and 3885 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Good idea, looks a bit flat...maybe liquify the bottom to be rounder, and/or spherize.
EDIT: Much better now, but can still improve. Go for it!

(5 years and 3885 days ago)

Macro Dragon Eye
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Aside from agreeing with Brandon, too much of the base of the building is obscured, and it looks too close to the edge of the cliff. The mood and color are very good.

(5 years and 3885 days ago)

Serene faith
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Good job obscuring the original light source on the building, but if it's abandoned, why is there a light inside?

(5 years and 3885 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Way too bright for a night scene, edges need work...

(5 years and 3885 days ago)

As she walk throu the valley..
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Good mood & color ...maybe the water is too flat along the waterline?

(5 years and 3885 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Good thinkin'...

(5 years and 3885 days ago)

2050 food
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Try to do a color match...

(5 years and 3885 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Nicely done image! If you insist on the floating flowers... (sigh)...couldn't they at least be at different angles?

(5 years and 3885 days ago)

Little Saint
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Good mood.

(5 years and 3885 days ago)

rainy night
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Great feel to this! IMHO the image would improve by putting more lanterns behind branches...

(5 years and 3885 days ago)

The Lanterns Tree
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Looks great! Just one small nitpick: the star trail seems to go through the moon, not around it...

(5 years and 3885 days ago)

A Guide to Star Haven
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Great work! If you can lighten the ones that are too dark, you'll have a masterpiece here!

(5 years and 3885 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Funny! There should be color inside the letters & on the ear...

(5 years and 3885 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:


(5 years and 3885 days ago)

In your dreams Giallo
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Hand should be in front of hat. I think there would be some highlight on the pot she's holding, and more shadow on right side of the hat...

(5 years and 3885 days ago)

Light in the dark
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Neon signs are all one length of glass tubing. I don't get what's making the red glow at top...Other than that, it's pretty good, especially the glows.

(5 years and 3886 days ago)

The Nightclub
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

You've got to have the sand sinking into the depressions inside the maze. This way it looks like it's on a sheet of glass over the maze...

(5 years and 3886 days ago)

Puddle Maze
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Simple but well done...good luck.

(5 years and 3886 days ago)

Electricity Machine
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Who knew robots had penises...

(5 years and 3886 days ago)

Vacuum robot.
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Good idea that needs a good background...

(5 years and 3886 days ago)

under construction
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Nice, but not much of a SBS...

(5 years and 3886 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Spleen? Well, it's sort of maze-ish, anyway...

(5 years and 3886 days ago)

Drink, spleen, matches, mazes
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Interesting...shadow is very wrong...

(5 years and 3886 days ago)

Mazes Bonsai
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

LOL...don't hold your breath.

(5 years and 3886 days ago)

Some day my prince will come
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Head is too large...

(5 years and 3886 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

This would be way better if those were disintegrator rays coming from the saucers...

(5 years and 3886 days ago)

Once upon a time...