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Great to see this again...I love it!
(5 years and 3905 days ago)Saturate the shoes a bit...otherwise this is great!
(5 years and 3905 days ago)The glowing fetus is better now. Everything else was better before...the image looked like it was on a surface, and not floating in rendered insta-clouds the same color as the avocado skin, which kills depth.
(5 years and 3906 days ago)There would be no sign of windows in the shadow with this light source. Funny idea, though!
(5 years and 3906 days ago)Please post SBS...
(5 years and 3906 days ago)From the original author: " Do not just crop, add borders and filters to my images. Have some imagination people and be creative."
(5 years and 3906 days ago)What about this is hard to understand?

(5 years and 3906 days ago)No sign of the source image.
(5 years and 3906 days ago)You plugged strawberries into the outline of the source pic. Not very creative. If you had sliced the bottom strawberry to show the inside, that would have rocked.
(5 years and 3906 days ago)Gopankarichal is right as usual. And the frog should look wet...he'd have raindrops bouncing off him. Work on this, author, and it could rock.
(5 years and 3906 days ago)Minimonst, I don't mean to pick on your comment, but there's only a bit of shadow I have a problem with, and that's the one at the top of the head which shouldn't be there (Pay attention, author!
) If you want to comment that something like shadows need improvement, please be specific so the author can improve. Thank you, my friend. 
(5 years and 3906 days ago)WHOA...I like this one! Author, if you go into Levels and lighten up the blacks a bit, this will rock. Good luck. (But SBS or source link?)
(5 years and 3906 days ago)

(5 years and 3906 days ago)The girl doesn't even have a shadow, she's within the pylon shadow. What do you mean by the "corner" of the pylon? The top? If you draw a line from the top to the ground, the shadow would be longer than the pylon. Applying the same thing to the orbs would put their shadows out of the picture. The angle of the light source is just too oblique. As for the reflection, since the orb is on the near side of the pylon, the reflection would also be on the near side.
(5 years and 3906 days ago)Really funny, but she sure wouldn't just be sitting there, she'd be whacking the bejeezus out of it!
(5 years and 3906 days ago)Please fix link #1.
(5 years and 3906 days ago)Light is from low left...oval things wouldn't have visible shadows...reflection is cast as if the object were in front of the cone, not already past it.
(5 years and 3906 days ago)Would be better to crop out a lot of the "box" part of the image for better composition and to focus more on the figure. The green thing adds a nice color accent, but that's about all...
(5 years and 3906 days ago)(PS: It's a sphere).
Perspective is wrong both ways...table is too wide in front, and is leaning towards the viewer...
(5 years and 3906 days ago)Good monster! Parts of the head are transparent, some areas need blending, some edges need a bit of blur...
(5 years and 3907 days ago)Kiwicado!
I bet those would be good...
(5 years and 3907 days ago)The added clouds don't work...the original sky is better.
(5 years and 3907 days ago)The bench wouldn't have a reflection at that distance from the water. If you think you need to keep it, straighten it out...
(5 years and 3907 days ago)Good blend and mood!
(5 years and 3907 days ago)Lookin' good now!

(5 years and 3907 days ago)Try to adjust the hair color...
(5 years and 3907 days ago)Poser work? Looks like she has a broken neck...if light is from behind as sunbeams indicate, shadows are wrong...
(5 years and 3907 days ago)

(5 years and 3907 days ago)Funny image!
(Strong light sources produce strong shadows...)
(5 years and 3907 days ago)This could be great if pseudo vegetation & obvious rendered clouds were improved...love the color.
(5 years and 3907 days ago)This has a great cartoony feel to it, and disappointing lighting issues for such fine work...
(5 years and 3907 days ago)Great mood...please add appropriate shadows.
(5 years and 3907 days ago)Author, there are thousands of usable bird pics out there.
(5 years and 3908 days ago)"Research the myth behind the character and create an interesting scene based upon the story." I don't see that here....
(5 years and 3908 days ago)Which goddess would this be, exactly?
(5 years and 3908 days ago)"Research the myth behind the character and create an interesting scene based upon the story." I don't see that here....
Keep going! Yes, the head could be bigger...Golem's bro is right. And the smoke...well, find some smoke brushes and make it more interesting.
(5 years and 3908 days ago)Try for real depth...this looks flat.
(5 years and 3908 days ago)Well, maybe it's a spastic centipede, then...
(5 years and 3908 days ago)Author, I love your image, but I don't see any changes since my comment...don't pull my leg.
(5 years and 3908 days ago)EDIT: The reflection is great now, but the shadow you've added should just go away...it's opposite the light source in the background.
Nice job. Would be nicer to give it a background...
(5 years and 3908 days ago)Nope. Kittens are small cats with big heads. This one doesn't work. Even if the scale were correct, it would be fuzzy...
(5 years and 3908 days ago)Do something different for a change...
(5 years and 3908 days ago)Author, I commend you for so many hours of work, and this is a fine looking image of a woman with flowers in her hair. It also suggests nothing to make me think this is a Greek goddess.
(5 years and 3908 days ago)I like this! Just two things: There should be some collar from your source pic to our left of his head instead of a shadow that doesn't go with the light source, and it would be way better if the cigar were lit and had smoke rising from it.
(5 years and 3908 days ago)Edit: On second look, a darker shadow on his forehead would match the deep shadow below, IMHO. I'd love to see this image improve!
Funny, but the cars look a bit small...
(5 years and 3908 days ago)Good idea! Shadow should be more to the right...look at shadows in the source pic...
(5 years and 3908 days ago)Whenever I lie down in the road, I wear a red dress...makes me more visible to oncoming traffic...
(5 years and 3908 days ago)Nice blend! Rotor kinda needs an engine, but looks cool...
(5 years and 3908 days ago)I don't mind the rain, but the foreground, middle ground & background are the same colors, and it kills the illusion of depth...
(5 years and 3908 days ago)Reflection should fade with distance, her left knee is awkward...otherwise a great job!
(5 years and 3908 days ago)