9122 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar TheWinningStar

nice and different idea and good excution ,gl

(5 years and 3851 days ago)

Ball sculpture
avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

I remember seeing this, great work.

(5 years and 3852 days ago)

Golden dinosaur
avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:


(5 years and 3852 days ago)

Ball sculpture
avatar nemanja
nemanja says:

nice blending... the background adds to the feeling... just great...

(5 years and 3852 days ago)

Ball sculpture
avatar nemanja
nemanja says:

very nice... i like this a lot... it is as if the earth is being an big anchor...

(5 years and 3852 days ago)

Cloud tether
avatar RickLaMesa

this is weird and weird is good

(5 years and 3853 days ago)

Cloud tether
avatar Sander
Sander says:

Nice, very artistic.

(5 years and 3853 days ago)

Cloud tether
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

its a nice work but in my opinion i would of like have seen a round ball and not the bottom stuck ina rock :p but hey its art and everyone has its own view nice work

(5 years and 3853 days ago)

Cloud tether
avatar Lelaina
Lelaina says:

I love the extra water drops! They just make it even more real Good luck!

(5 years and 3853 days ago)

Ball sculpture
avatar Lelaina
Lelaina says:

Oh, I'd love to climb up there. As I was a child, I always wanted to climb up to the clouds As I got older I forgot this wish, but your image makes me wanna do it again Good luck!

(5 years and 3853 days ago)

Cloud tether
avatar genuine2009


(5 years and 3854 days ago)

Ball sculpture
avatar genuine2009


(5 years and 3854 days ago)

Cloud tether
no avatar

Stone the crows this is good

(5 years and 3854 days ago)

Ball sculpture
no avatar

Stone the crows this is good

(5 years and 3854 days ago)

Cloud tether
avatar lycra
lycra says:

was waitin for this...again its a grt wrk author..........

(5 years and 3855 days ago)

Golden dinosaur
avatar slayyou
slayyou says:

cool dino

(5 years and 3855 days ago)

Golden dinosaur
avatar Warlock
Warlock [banned] says:

Great dino....shadows & light are good & a very nice 3D effect....struggling with the background...

(5 years and 3855 days ago)

Golden dinosaur
avatar k5683
k5683 says:


(5 years and 3855 days ago)

Cloud tether
avatar Tuckinator

wow great job!

(5 years and 3856 days ago)

Golden dinosaur
avatar RAZ0R
RAZ0R [banned] says:

GOD DAMN!!!!! i agree with OliviasArts, how do you people do it, great job here

(5 years and 3856 days ago)

Golden dinosaur
avatar nishagandhi

great to see this again

(5 years and 3856 days ago)

Golden dinosaur
avatar Tuckinator

this image looks almost real(if i didnt know better i would say it was real!) and the image should deffinately finish in the top 3 percentage imo

(5 years and 3856 days ago)

Cloud tether
avatar k5683
k5683 says:


(5 years and 3856 days ago)

Golden dinosaur
avatar OliviasArts

god damn!!! I don't know how you people do this great work author.

(5 years and 3856 days ago)

Golden dinosaur
no avatar

AHH, so this is how they park fairy tale castles

(5 years and 3856 days ago)

Cloud tether
avatar OliviasArts

love the idea well done author.

lmao @ scratzilla1....

(5 years and 3856 days ago)

Cloud tether
avatar nemanja
nemanja says:

cool Dino!

(5 years and 3856 days ago)

Golden dinosaur
avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:


(5 years and 3856 days ago)

Golden dinosaur
avatar elficho
elficho says:

superb work!

(5 years and 3856 days ago)

Golden dinosaur
avatar Lelaina
Lelaina says:

And another one back from the dead! Still a fantastic piece! Good luck with it again!

(5 years and 3856 days ago)

Golden dinosaur
no avatar

That ball and chain may be strong, but I don't think it's strong enough to hold that cloud!

(5 years and 3856 days ago)

Cloud tether
avatar sosipatra
sosipatra says:

remove the shadow from chain and sphere....the light doesn't come from back. Overall GOOD ideea !

(5 years and 3856 days ago)

Cloud tether
avatar Alan2641
Alan2641 says:

nice perspective -- great idea

(5 years and 3856 days ago)

Cloud tether
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

cloud is in focus chain is blurry

(5 years and 3856 days ago)

Cloud tether
avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

Very nice, it looks great! Does the image represent anything, or is it just some random fun? Either way it's awesome, good luck!!

(5 years and 3856 days ago)

Cloud tether
avatar Vandy
Vandy says:

Good one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(5 years and 3857 days ago)

Ball sculpture
avatar OliviasArts

good stuff congrats.

(5 years and 3857 days ago)

Night on Skull Mountain
avatar SOLARIS


(5 years and 3857 days ago)

My Lady
avatar Lelaina
Lelaina says:

Congrats to Mrs. CMYK for being top 7!

(5 years and 3857 days ago)

My Lady
avatar elficho
elficho says:

you could maybe add some more contrast to the background? tha ball looks GREAT! i like those little water drops too! nice touch

(5 years and 3857 days ago)

Ball sculpture
avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

Very nice!

(5 years and 3857 days ago)

Ball sculpture
avatar Alan2641
Alan2641 says:

nice hole -- like the addition of the water drops

(5 years and 3858 days ago)

Ball sculpture
no avatar

Nicely done.

(5 years and 3858 days ago)

Ball sculpture
avatar Tuckinator

wow the image is grrrreat the perspective is awesomely good

(5 years and 3858 days ago)

Ball sculpture
avatar RickLaMesa

i disagree...background looks fine to me

(5 years and 3858 days ago)

Ball sculpture
avatar OliviasArts

your background image is very poor... maybe and some contrast or remove the noise a bit.... it is a good idea for the image, but your background will let you down goodluck

edit: forgot to say, good job on the water as well

edit edit @Rick... thats fine mate guess we all see things differently, im just trying to be constructive and honest... thats all.

(5 years and 3858 days ago)

Ball sculpture
no avatar

looks as if all the feedback i could provide has already been said. therefore,,, GREAT JOB... all the best with your entry.

(5 years and 3858 days ago)

My Lady
avatar lycra
lycra says:

wht a match for mr. cmyk..............grt wrk..............

(5 years and 3860 days ago)

My Lady
avatar elficho
elficho says:

i think it's very on theme. as well as your other entry.

(5 years and 3860 days ago)

Steampunk submarines
avatar wtfayla
wtfayla says:

looks abit like a toy gun....maybe thats what you meant the scope is a little of,f and the trigger looks a bit imbeded in the finger gl to you

(5 years and 3860 days ago)

Victorian ray blaster