The Guardian

For: pasturelands contest
For: pasturelands contest
The rocks are the same, but there was no road then, it took me a long time to find a gap big enough to venture across it.
For: old in new contest
We don't usually get snow here, so when we do it is a big deal. My poor horses had to stay out in the elements...I wanted to bring them in the house, but for some unknown reason hubby said NO....Hmmmm.
For: snow 3 contest
For: pasturelands contest
For: pasturelands contest
the power of water - captured at Weanhuiskrans Nature Reserve, Arniston, South Africa
For: waves contest
Snow visited our island, January 2013
For: snow 3 contest
The Battery Pier Lighthouse: Tower is TAPERED stone Tower is painted WHITE with SINGLE RED HORIZONTAL band Height is 10 metres Colour scheme of LIGHT is RED Light character is QUICK FLASH
For: lighthouses contest
Built in 1849. Active; focal plane 8 m (26 ft); red light, 13 s on, 2 s off. Approx. 7 m (23 ft) cylindrical stone tower with a domed top; the light is shown through a window. Lighthouse painted white with a single horizontal red band.
For: lighthouses contest
Drawn with 0.5 mm mechanical pencil on a A4 size paper. Time: around 2 hours
For: surrealism contest