Sock Monkey

First I thought I would make a robot......Then I thought I would make a bear......Then I thought why not make a bear factory.
For: locomotive contest
sbs coming soon
For: colorization contest
I thought this would be easy.....found out the hard way it wasn't.
I knew this was gonna take a long time to accomplish, but I didn't realize what a pain it was going to be. No external sources used.
For: buffalo contest
I know, I know. It's not very original or anything, I just made him younger. I had a really fun time with this one though. Also learned some new things along the way.
For: bearded man contest
Well.......You never see either one of them in real life and they both have many impersonators. So it could happen!
For: elvis lives contest
Background was used from another pxleyes contest I didn't qualify for. Both the boat and the dragon were made with the pencil shaving source.
Thanks to SheisprettyStock from Deviant Art for the vines.
Got a lil captain in ya!
For: chill statue contest
All sources are mine and are mentioned in the sbs besides the background picture.
Step on up and win your doe!
For: wordplays contest
Mustard is tired of being the second choice, he's out for revenge.
The challenge is to make something that represents Pxleyes without actually copying the original logo. Another challenge is to make something which is recognizable at a really low resolution. So I chose the x in the pxleyes logo first because it fills the most space within a square and second beca...