
Pretty basic masking and a grass brush.
For: open field contest
Pretty basic masking and a grass brush.
For: open field contest
MacGyver plugs a sulfuric acid leak with chocolate. He states that chocolate contains lactose and sucrose (chemically C12H22O11), which are disaccharides. The acid reacts with the sugars to form elemental carbon and a thick gummy residue (proved to be correct on Mythbusters). Smoke Brush from http...
For: macgyverism contest
For: water reflections contest
For: indian head contest
For: water reflections contest
No sources.
For: stethoscope contest
May you live a long and happy life together. Congrats!
For: mod chopping contest
thanks to Falln-Brushes on Deviant art for the smoke brushes.
I really debated adding the rain, but decided to go ahead and add it.
For: sicily contest
Apparently it is illegal to get fish drunk in Ohio. Who would've thought?
For: strange laws contest
Here is a revised version for the people that said I was out of guidelines. I liked the original better and yes I know it's not likely for a human to adapt to breathe under water. I also know that if the earth was covered completely by water all the existing structures would be useless and we woul...
Source image from Photoshop Talent before the server crash.
For: wrong place contest
I know, it's not really original but I like to do coloration. This was just done with many adjustment layers and masks. I also copied the blue channel to get some of the highlights back. I used a layer set to color dodge and another set to color burn and used a 5% opacity brush to pain in sha...
For: flower girl contest