Nose print

For: face closeup contest
For: face closeup contest
Thanks a lot to: and
Water fall falling out of / into bounds. Made two copies of the original image. then on the 1st copy I created the two frames using the pen tool, and flood filled them with white. I selected the frames and inverted the selection and deleted everything outside the frames and flood filled that ar...
A Sluggish look at old school alien invasion. Thanks to Francesco Marino
For: banana slug contest
Credits to ~foureyestock , =whisperingforest , =CozycomfycouchStock , ~RosalineStock , ~najustock , ~chulii-stock , ~shadowh3 and ~abysius71 for stock.
Thanks to Viktor Yurchenko, David Siqueira, melbia and
Just the source was used. I found this young lady's beautiful face, her hair blowing in the breeze, was the perfect place to create 'dandelion parachutes'. The dandelion was created from her hair, by the way.
For: hair closeup contest
Credits to *deadcalm-stock , =night-fate-stock , CGTextures , *Dracoart-Stock and ~starlightspoint7 for stock. I just messed out with this rather difficult source. And this is my first 15+ entry :)
For: hair closeup contest
The squirrel's tail was made with the hair. See SBS.
For: hair closeup contest
Teddy with some 5 day growth and a drum became rock teddy
For: teddy love contest
I think you should not enter this area if you want to stay alive !
Vampires favorite type of moon, this was fun!!! Edited background.....I think it looks better this way, what does everyone else think.
For: vampirize contest
not a lot of drool, her finger got in the way, but it's there...
For: drooling contest
Thanks to SheisprettyStock from Deviant Art for the vines.
please view in high res before voting, thanks :) Credits : for the suspension bridge image. for the image frame. for the apple tree image and tha cat image P.S: The backgro...
free transform, stroke, layermask,brushtool, eraser
For: orange contest
My attempt at an updated version of Thomas Gainsborough's famous painting.
Yes, I know, this is one of the CBR images. I appreciate if you look at the SBS before your vote. I used the image to make the sandy hill. UPDATE: I incorporated the hair from the source image to my work. It looks nicer, thanks for suggestions. Worked on the sky image, not clonning this time. I t...
For: hair closeup contest