9 comments given:
no avatar

Great shot

(5 years and 2432 days ago)

Hard to sit here
no avatar

Very creative, I love the yellow liquid.

(5 years and 2432 days ago)

Storm Drain
no avatar

I love the angle

(5 years and 2432 days ago)

Koln Dom
no avatar

I like the spot of sunshine on the coast and the reflection on the water.

(5 years and 2432 days ago)

Late afternoon
no avatar

What an amazing shot, where was it taken?

(5 years and 2432 days ago)

On the edge
no avatar

Great work

(5 years and 2433 days ago)

Boya lake Canada, 5 silver disc shaped flying saucer sighting in 1964
no avatar

It's a little dark.

(5 years and 2433 days ago)

Abandoned Symphony
no avatar

Raiders for life

(5 years and 2434 days ago)

LIfe size Hot Wheel
no avatar

Raiders for life

(5 years and 2434 days ago)

LIfe size Hot Wheel