8 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar still26
still26 says:

What a grrrrrrrreat idea. Your post is clear and crisp and well done. The light on the child makes her pop against the darkened universe and the colourful planets are the icing on the cake.

(5 years and 933 days ago)

Huger than any giant
avatar BWR
BWR says:

Christoph where are you??!!! Come bask in your glory!!

(5 years and 936 days ago)

Home Sweet Home
avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Congrats Christoph

(5 years and 938 days ago)

Home Sweet Home
avatar BWR
BWR says:

Deserved win Christoph!!

(5 years and 938 days ago)

Home Sweet Home
avatar madamemonty


(5 years and 938 days ago)

Home Sweet Home
avatar still26
still26 says:

Titles matter, they are part of the creative process and help viewers to focus on what you have created. I am always amazed by work posted on this side of pyxleyes and want to tell you that I am WOWed by your work. It is clear and so easily seen and well manipulated. Top notch in my humble book.

(5 years and 946 days ago)

Home Sweet Home
avatar BWR
BWR says:

Wonderful idea. I like the smoke but maybe try a different brush? Also, I know the source chimney is a lighter color on the inside, but maybe darken it to make it look more like a regular chimney?

(5 years and 948 days ago)

Home Sweet Home
avatar velkanx
velkanx says:

This should be made and used lol good work

(5 years and 1018 days ago)

Sweet Giant
avatar Drivenslush

So that's where broccoli comes from! hehehe

(5 years and 1019 days ago)

Tiny garden
avatar still26
still26 says:

Can you hear me laughing? This is so......oh so........corny that it is hysterical. How did you change her to pink? Selective colour tool? Thank you also for your SBS. Wonderful work.

(5 years and 1019 days ago)

Sweet Giant
avatar TorDoni
Moderator says:

You are good to go.

(5 years and 1024 days ago)

Sweet Giant
avatar TorDoni
Moderator says:

Author, sources 4 and 5 are OK, but 1,2,3,6,7 are illustrations, and not allowed.
Rules and Guidelines: 5.6. 3D Renders or Illustrations as Source:
Using other people's 3D renders or illustrations (even with permission and no matter in which form they are offered)
creates a false impression of your artwork. So 3D renders or illustrations can not be used as sources,
unless they are entirely created by yourself. Only acceptable non-illustration brushes and clip art may
be used, but you need to mention them as a source too. Don't use an image that has been altered by the
source owner nor an entire work created by someone else.

You will have to alter your entry to meet the guidelines, but you still have plenty of time to do so.

(5 years and 1026 days ago)

Sweet Giant
avatar lolu
lolu says:

Very funny !

(5 years and 1027 days ago)

Sweet Giant
avatar wedoo2
wedoo2 says:

It's pank

(5 years and 1027 days ago)

Sweet Giant