Happy New Year!

Only used Photoshop to create this image
For: Christmas And New Year Wishes contest
Only used Photoshop to create this image
For: Christmas And New Year Wishes contest
All was created using Photoshop. I followed this tutorial and want to say thanks to the author, ART-D. http://www.adobetutorialz.com/articles/3024/1/Creative-christmas-cards
For: Christmas And New Year Wishes contest
Please view in high res :)
Pic of Lincoln was taken by me
"What a strange shaped egg" said the Swan...."It can't possibly be one of OURS" until they see this.......Unexpected Arrival
For: marble contest
I saw this source image and had to make something for my new Goddaughter Mya. And after working on this for a week, I found out my level wasn't high enough to enter in that contest, so here it is.....
You thought the Grand Canyon was something to see....Wait till you see the Great Sky Faces! See it in either by plane or hot air balloon!
For: stone faces contest
**Revised Version** Thanks to Cagdelphi-Tree roots http://www.sxc.hu/photo/262946 Thanks to dspruitt- Hand http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1330848
All sources have been notified. Thanks
Thanks to Click and Andrewcs Working on the SBS...Will be posted soon
Thanks to Night-fate for the source image.
~Revised Version~
For: mill contest
She sits atop her Steampunk Throne watching the world fade in and out of her dreams...........Or maybe it was my dream ;-) Thanks to pocketsquirrel for light textures. Throne, Chair and Legs of the Telescope made from source image.
I would really love suggestions or critiques....This was my first attempt at actually creating fire myself. Thanks!!
For: fire people contest
Items to look for: Female Bust Barrel Pencil Comb Clothes Pin Wooden Clog Wooden Man
For: i spy contest
All sources have been notified REVISED Revised VERSION :)
Suggestions for improvement would be appreciated Thanks to Talkingmeat for source image. Melbia and K_Alex have been contacted.
For: stairway contest
For: ice people contest
I wanted to create a natural and realistic blend of the images. I wanted it to seem like it was actually a photo taken by someone and not a manipulation of images.
For: gulls attack contest