1961 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar RickyRuckus

very creative, nice idea

(5 years and 3469 days ago)

Strange Little Man
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Help the homeless! They're turning into oranges!

Seriously, why is he so orange? Really bad case of Hep C? He is as orange as your font.

(5 years and 3470 days ago)

Please Give Your Help
avatar Tuckinator

cool idea

(5 years and 3472 days ago)

Ok sight seeing & a cold beer
avatar Tuckinator

cool idea

(5 years and 3472 days ago)

Science Experiment Gone Bad
avatar Tuckinator

great idea

(5 years and 3472 days ago)

The Strawberry House
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

I agree with Gamemaster.

(5 years and 3473 days ago)

Bowl Of Oniono
avatar gamemastertips

I can see you did alot of work on this but...isn't this a bit minimal use of source? I honestly could not see the onion bunch until I looked in the SBS. Also, the cutlery are distorted far too much to look realistic. If you want to save this, I'd suggest remaking it from an arial perspective, looking down into the bowl from above. This way, you won't have to distort the cutlery and the onion bits in the bowl will be much more visable.

(5 years and 3473 days ago)

Bowl Of Oniono
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Looks better now...GL.

(5 years and 3474 days ago)

Ok sight seeing & a cold beer
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

That's a mighty tiny telescope.

(5 years and 3475 days ago)

Ok sight seeing & a cold beer
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Why is the base of telescope so blurry?

(5 years and 3476 days ago)

Ok sight seeing & a cold beer
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Why onions have reflection and the cracks not?

(5 years and 3476 days ago)

Swinging  Onions
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

try breaking more glass, more small pieces

(5 years and 3476 days ago)

Swinging  Onions
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Cozy and delicious!

(5 years and 3476 days ago)

The Strawberry House
no avatar
nvela says:

totally agree with Nickk

(5 years and 3477 days ago)

Swinging  Onions
avatar Nickk
Nickk says:

basic wind filter + basic tools.. Author it's nice but if I were you I'd add a little more too the entry !

Just advising you..
Gl though

(5 years and 3477 days ago)

Swinging  Onions
avatar swordfish
swordfish says:

nice .........

(5 years and 3478 days ago)

Look Up In The Sky
avatar dollmommy
dollmommy says:

GL to you!!

(5 years and 3479 days ago)

Cake Anyone?
avatar Tuckinator


(5 years and 3480 days ago)

Look Up In The Sky
avatar George55
George55 says:

looks nice.... gl

(5 years and 3480 days ago)

Look Up In The Sky
avatar Tuckinator


(5 years and 3480 days ago)

Daisy Acres
avatar Tuckinator

cool idea!

(5 years and 3480 days ago)

Ticket Please
avatar YFZBOB
YFZBOB says:

Nice job Author. Redo looks much better.

(5 years and 3481 days ago)

Look Up In The Sky
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Author, take a second look at the feet of the woman on the original, their position is wrong here, you twisted her feet...

(5 years and 3481 days ago)

Old and all alone
no avatar
nvela says:

nice...just that imo the firelooking distracts the work...just my opinion though

(5 years and 3481 days ago)

Look Up In The Sky
avatar hereisanoop


(5 years and 3482 days ago)

Look Up In The Sky
avatar telmafrancione

What a good idea and a great job here, too!

(5 years and 3482 days ago)

Ticket Please
avatar dekwid
dekwid says:

wow,....you have created wonderful texture from the source.... I am sure you can do more of this one, for example a full house maybe? just IMO......

(5 years and 3482 days ago)

Ticket Please
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Did you try a brownish color?

(5 years and 3483 days ago)

trained horse_4c71d790259fa
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Now it's better, convincent farm's entrance!

(5 years and 3483 days ago)

Daisy Acres
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Horse is too bright, it's difficult to see it. It's better a darker color to make it appear.

(5 years and 3484 days ago)

trained horse_4c71d790259fa
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Shadows are all in different positions. As the image is cloudy, a slight shadow is enough.

(5 years and 3484 days ago)

Daisy Acres
avatar Tuckinator

I think you meant "two", not "to"

(5 years and 3485 days ago)

Two Heads Are Better Than One
avatar Tuckinator

cool idea!

(5 years and 3485 days ago)

Cake Anyone?
avatar Nickk
Nickk says:


(5 years and 3485 days ago)

Two Heads Are Better Than One
avatar Giulia
Giulia says:

Yes, this background works much better for me

(5 years and 3486 days ago)

Cake Anyone?
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Siamese horses! You could have made it only with the head, as said in title.

(5 years and 3486 days ago)

Two Heads Are Better Than One
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

The perspective of the round plates and the cut cakes don't match the table. But I like the coloring of the slices.

(5 years and 3486 days ago)

Cake Anyone?
avatar Tuckinator

the hands couldve used more shading

(5 years and 3486 days ago)

Strawberries Forever
avatar Tuckinator


(5 years and 3486 days ago)

No Passion For This Fruit Head
avatar EmiK
EmiK says:

Nice title = )

(5 years and 3486 days ago)

No Passion For This Fruit Head
avatar Nickk
Nickk says:

A bit too obvious of mirroring the image...
You should adjust more things with the clone tool, or add more object too the scene..

Gl author

(5 years and 3487 days ago)

Two Heads Are Better Than One
avatar Giulia
Giulia says:

The background is a bit distracting for me, makes me dizzy Maybe I partied too hard last night! lol

(5 years and 3487 days ago)

Cake Anyone?
no avatar

Good technique.

(5 years and 3490 days ago)

No Passion For This Fruit Head
avatar erathion
erathion says:

nice idea and cool colors but demand more work...its always hard to separate trees,bushes and similar objects from background...use this tutorial as a guideline for masking a trees http://www.pxleyes.com/tutorial/photoshop/1272/How-To-Mask-A-Tree-In-3-Minutes.html...For your entry,bottom part of the bushes is to sharp,when u do things like this,u could use smudge tool after to add some curves branches and that kind of stuff..sorry for my nagging but i hope this is gonna help u in the future...best of luck

(5 years and 3490 days ago)

Long Ago
avatar gamemastertips

Well, at least we have some strawberries now to counter the bloodiness of the other entries...

(5 years and 3490 days ago)

Strawberries Forever
avatar telmafrancione

It is a yummy view!

(5 years and 3490 days ago)

Strawberries Forever
avatar Disco
Disco says:

I am impressed with the amount of work you put into this entry.

(5 years and 3490 days ago)

No Passion For This Fruit Head
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Reflection of the cut fruit is not matching, and spilled juice is not convincent. The reflection of the knife (and the knife itself) is right on the original; now, for your image, according to the perspective of the glass table, it's wrong, and needs correction as well.

(5 years and 3491 days ago)

No Passion For This Fruit Head
avatar silencer32

good idea

(5 years and 3492 days ago)

Long Ago
avatar Tuckinator


(5 years and 3492 days ago)

Long Ago