9 comments given:
avatar CommanderBond

@ CMYK46:
Looks to me like Myriad Pro for 'when patriots become heroes' and 'the first avenger'. Impact for 'captain america' and something similar to Univers (39, thin, ultra condensed) for the credits block.

Univers (39) is what they use for the actual credit blocks on most one-sheets.

@author: Nice job. Since Myriad is a fairly new font, could I suggest to use Gotham, Neutraface or Century Gothic instead for a more retro look. Those fonts where around back in those retro days. Also, I recommend to put 'real' text in the credit block. Now it takes away from your effort in my opinion. Moreover, it seems you have over set text in the text block (judging from the hyphen).

(5 years and 2865 days ago)

avatar CommanderBond

I think he is a she (the 'guy' with the red hat, that is).

(5 years and 2866 days ago)
