a quiet night

Thanks to ''imstuck'' for source 1 Thanks to ''zotus'' for source 2 Thanks to ''suneko'' for source 3 Thanks to ''rabieshund'' for source 4
For: fox home contest
Thanks to ''imstuck'' for source 1 Thanks to ''zotus'' for source 2 Thanks to ''suneko'' for source 3 Thanks to ''rabieshund'' for source 4
For: fox home contest
Credits to foxstox and temabinastock on Deviantart.
For: fox home contest
All source ;) with References... EDIT: Added a caveman's wife by the door... (thanks for the suggestion Langstrum :) Flipped tree ,to correct lighting...,tx Annabat :)
For: fox home contest
Uploadod by Leftfield1, fjsa, lauralucia and jpaulocv
For: fox home contest
Credit to werksdesiq from sxc for the tree credit to qrnqobstpr from sxc for the sky
For: fox home contest
Thanks to following :- http://faestock.deviantart.com/art/Cygnet23-122270773 http://shoofly-stock.deviantart.com/art/Butterfly-Stock-Sideview-54054409 http://steppelandstock.deviantart.com/art/Cave-behind-the-waterfall-99595946 http://rl-brushes.deviantart.com/art/Pixie-Dust-Trails-brushes-213...
For: fox home contest
source and my pictures
For: fox home contest
PXL Members Contest.... Goal: PXL members donate pictures of themselves, and it is your job to manipulate their images to make them look either good or evil. Chop them into unusual places, mess with their proportions, give them funny costumes... but do not post anything that would be considered of...
For: old contests contest
Made today with a pen not really made for "real" drawing.
Girl by Gilliann @ DeviantArt Goggles by Fetishfaerie-stock @ DeviantArt Hat by Lindowyn-stock @ DeviantArt Brass Tank by Spud @ stock.xchange Smoke Brushes by Falln-stock @ DeviantArt Metal texture from cgtextures.
thanks to water brushes by-http://redheadstock.deviantart.com/art/Water-Photoshop-Brushes-37338369 and Eirian-stock,deviantart fir the stock
hehehe. i couldn't resist. only source picture used.
Inspired by this quote: There are as many nights as days, and the one is just as long as the other in the year's course. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. Carl Jung --- In case some of...
For: tree in mist contest
Here is the edited result of tree in mist - my main intension was to show night scene with lots of star and moon. I use noise filter to show star and use circle to show moon, hope you like final result :) Bird brush credit goes to Obsidian Dawn link given in source 2 URL.
For: tree in mist contest
EDIT: -change lights -change balloon hope this time is right :)
For: tree in mist contest
For: tree in mist contest
Rising lady from the ground... made by the original tree. No extra photos.
For: tree in mist contest
For: tree in mist contest
Thanks to Hilleke at pxleyes.com for the wonderful photos of the cottage and also of the garden.
For: tree in mist contest
I use the given green pattern on fish to show glowing fish... Rest of all created in Photoshop...
Spring is in the air. There's something special that makes you feel like singing and dancing - thus, The rite of Spring. Everything is created from the source photo.