
Thanks to Alun Salt at for source for texture layer, Horsehead Nebula
For: fruit contest
1 i duplicated the bat 2 copied the wing and pasted it onto the original bat adding some bumps where the fruit was hidden with bloat tool 3 c/p the fruit and desaturated it a bit and darkened it 4 added some shadows 5 added a filter
For: fruit contest
For: fruit contest
Rest of sources; Tree, Mountain, Mountain, Vines brush, Birds,
For: cathedral contest
She is, understandably, a reluctant bride. Thanks to CGTextures, faestock, mjranum-stock (Marcus Ranum) and dreamweaver69stock for the generous use of their stock.
For: cathedral contest
Thanks to for the model, for the interior, for the glass slipper (changed source), and reloj 2 for the clock tower.
For: cathedral contest
Thanks to nightfate for the landscape Thanks to =Skybase for the clouds
For: angel statue contest
For: angel statue contest
i wanted to make wind-up castle toy, but along the way it became wind-up "clock something with castle on top" in making. All images used are mine. Some textures are default from photoshop.
thanks to marcus ranum muttstock,FantasyStock
Thanks to Faestock, Zigabooooo, gd08 and emilyemilybeth ( At first my idea was to create a kind of scene "where the girl passed, everything seemed to be 'devoured' by the darkness of night and in the snow" behind her. A personal friend saw this work, liked the i...